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counter varus adc s10

counter varus adc s10 - win

So this is the trend in item posts and comments I'm seeing regarding roles

This post is to tally the opinions I'm seeing in one spot, run them past everyone, and get more feedback about them. Especially any critiques or differences of opinion I missed.
At the top of the "Hate" List is ADC. Riot seems to have dropped a bomb on ADC and especially crit. It is so bad that inspite of finally getting some situation response items, the crit changes (without making the bigger crit items cheaper) and in some cases increasing crit prices has resulted in a significant nerf. This is especially true of any ADC who does not benefit from Rageblade or Manamune, and many of those are not safe. Kraken Slayer is worthless against Tanks, the very role it is supposed to counter. Shieldbow is just too strong (comparably) compared to the other mythic. Galeforce isn't useful expect in the increasingly rare instances that a Marksman snowballs. At this point, the only thing an ADC counters is another ADC. They cannot kill tanks, Shieldbow still does not stop assassins from slaughtering an ADC, Mages have near equal ease.
Edit: Counter argument suggests the issue is that ADCs are simply refusing to properly adapt to the item changes and adjust playstyles to match. Lucian, Twitch, Vayne, Varus, and Ashe offered as examples.
Next on the "Hate" list we have Tanks. Their playstyle has forcibly shifted because all their mythic build Sunfire passive now, but only one tank item builds mana. They anticipate mana shortages being a problem. Their ability to freeze lanes is much reduced.. Some of the items are more expensive, others less, and they have no responses to Damage over time anymore, with MR being argued to be a net loss due to mage buffs and a proliferation of Magic Penetration. They can't keep up with anything but ADCs.
Edit: Counter argument presented says Tanks are nigh unkillable and Bruisers are doing fabulous thanks to new item builds. Tanks dominate win rates at the moment (8/10 top winrates) and they are actually strongest.
Supports are... basically in the same position as before, being nerfed to prevent support items getting abused outside the role and not getting much (but not getting nothing either). A net neutral if only because two other big roles got hurt.
EDIT: Thanks to u/Fictitious1267 for offering a better summary. Supports are still suffering from s10 nerfs, and now all their item costs have gone up while their CDR has been replaced with a net loss amount of AH. In essence, they're hurting. See his comment for a more thorough explanation.
Mages and assassins are apparently doing really good. A handful of mage items don't do what they used to, but mages have cheap anti-heal at last, and a lot of other strong choices. Assassins apparently seem to have gotten a straight buff, getting lots of new powerful itemization options for what amounts to no trade-offs or nerfs. At least, that's what I think I've been seeing.
So, what did I miss, what do you think, how do we expand or suggest solutions to these problems, what evidence do you have for or against these opinions?
submitted by Iwasforger03 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

[Translation] Analysis on Mid Season Cup Strategy Differences between LPL and LCK, and what is going on with IG

Recently I found this video, I thought it might be useful to translate to the English audience, due to LPL general audience seemingly having a very different (and somewhat deeper) understanding of the game. The following is not my views, just the view of the video maker.
Anyways, the dude starts out with a disclaimer: he is just a self-made media, he could be wrong, but try to focus on his thought process, and decide for yourself if he is right.
Translator thoughts: Kind of already covered what we knew about LCK vs LPL, biggest takeaway seems to be explanation of the rise of TES, fall of IG, and FPX and JDG's struggles in MSC. Also interesting to see differing ban pick concepts between LPL and LCK. As well as a clip of Ning saying that at Worlds, the one who wins is the one who improves the fastest, while G2 coach's opinion from last year seemed to be that the one who deteriorates the least wins. There are some other details that I left out, but the overall ideas and concepts are here.
submitted by Serene_Potato to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Every single champ and why you as draven should not like them or should like them, it's really just suggestions honestly

o k guys it is your boy kong)balding back again for another lets play video and today we will be speed runnning league of legend so basically stay tuned until end for neww w merhc anannoucnemt !!!!!!!!!!!
atrox - ok so i think he is kinda cool but they killed my boy for the rework so maybe not sorry boris
ahri - not as quirky as nami why even in game ?
akali - more quirky than ahri but ninja scary shroud make axe not hit
alistar - godless abomination but he is purple and has cool horns so thats pretty cool
ammu - has no friends so you should be his friend that is very alpha i think but if he ults you beat him up because that is not friendly of him
aniviv - what the fuck is this
annie - nobody plays this champ
aphelis - i dont really like kpop
ashe - why here auto range so long and slow turbo cancer actual annoy lane matchup
marcus aurelius - i mean he is a dragon which is pretty cool i actually like this guy
acer - he is cool yellow bird like big bird from sesame street pretty cool if ask me 😎😎
brad - wtf is a meep ???!??!?!?!11?
blicrank - just dodge his hooki its not even hard man?
bran - why he do more damage than me on sport role???
braum - tyler1 did not like him back in like season 6 or something so i do not like him but compared to the new cancers he is not that bad i think
caitlyn - hat looks dumb
cameile - wtf you are 0/10 but second q did 942 true dmg to me ?
cassiopeia - i think snakes are cool
cho'gath- if he has nightmare skin be very afraid that means very skilled cho'gath player but any other skin probably a kid literally no one but kids play cho'gath
corki - mashallah
darius - he has axe and it spin and he draven brother pretty cool
diana - was cancer pre update is still cancer post update like wtf riot how do i even play against ?
dr. mundo - has medical license seems like cool guy
draven - if you see another draven you are playing blind pick so are you okay ? everything going good in your life? if you are to the point where you are playing blind pick you can just dm me man i promise it will get better : ))
ekko - if you play this champ fuck you
elise - she cute
evelynn - see ekko
ezreal - just click
fiddlesticks - fidlestick throuw le crouw do le damaaj
fiora - i am up 3 lvls and 2 items why she still beat me
fizz - flop
galio - why my galio never ult me but enemy galio use himself as drone strike and i am children's hospital???
gangplank - i like oranges so he is pretty cool
garen - you can try to be friends with garen players but its like befriending a wild animal. like if you stop feeding them they will probably just forget you
gnar - kinda cute i think, and he have spinning boomerang
grags - i think if grags in real life he would be american like me we have same body type pretty swagger i think
grave - ummmmi actually think grave kinda cool but if you just abusing him because this meta maybe ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
hecarim - has he been a think since like s7?
heemerhonger - turret
illaoi - nice biceps jus like draven
irelia - i thought she was kinda quirky but her face look kinda weird in that one cimematic lmk what you think gis
ivern - put shield on me so i get one shot by the full support sona in 1 second instead of .5 ty ivrern
janna - ahhahashdahahahahhahahahah
jarvan iv - idk i dont really have much opinion on him he is pretty cool i think
jacks - Counter Strike EFFECT RADIUS: 300CAST TIME: NONECOST: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 MANACOOLDOWN: 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 Counter Strike ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-Turret icon turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second.
At the end of the duration, Jax Stun icon stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals physical damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase.
MINIMUM PHYSICAL DAMAGE:» 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+ 50% bonus AD) RECAST: Jax ends Counter Strike early.
jayce - ok
jhin - last time a jhin was useful in your game ?? me was 1992
jinx - who
kai-sa - at least she isnt' meta anymore
kalista - put this champ out of meta agin pls
karma - why my karma always shield herself its every karma player
karthis - literally who
kassadin - fuck you
katarina - fuck you
kayle - i like morgana better
kayn - i thought he was cool before a few patches ago but now he is in everygame and kinda fucking annoying ?
kennenn - i feel like kennen plaers are dogshit 99.99% of the time and their champs broken ult puts them 2 divisions higher than they should be ?
kha'zix - champ was released like 30 years ago so you might even beat him in 1v1 if he not fed
kindred - furry wtf
kled - bro kled players are fucking psychopaths if they somehow lose lane on their broken ass champ they just ult down botlane and it works every time
kog'maw - mog'kaw spit liek pllblbrlbrlbrlrltrltrtlrltbrbtbrtlrtbrtltrtt
leblanc - in season 10 ?
lee sin - ahaha he's blind nice eyes dumbfuck
leaon - i mean she is pretty quirky but why she hitting me with her sword and where my hp go ? does chain vest give damage now or something wtf??
liaaasndr - if you are fed fuck this cdhamp i think
lucian - literally just worse version of draven but got fed up with bot and went to solo lanes he cute
lulu - she turn me into turtle wtf
lux - hehe xd
malphite - takes frequent visits to lux skull, cannot decide if malphite players are more attractive or intelligent like rock solid brother
malzahar - purprle
maokai - maokai
master yi - if funneler maybe malphite should visit (in game), if not funneler maybe malphite should visit (in game)
miss forutne - 🥰🥰
mordekaiser - ult me dumbfuck i win that 1v1 everytime if you buy qss you are maybe like big weiner
morgan - i like her better than kayle
nami - sexy fish most quirky i like name she is fihs
nasus - wtf my toplaner just free farm with nasus why he have 400 armor and one shto me?
nautilus - like leona but not even quirky wtf
neeko - can turn into more darwin very good i think and also has tail copter go wsssh wwwsssh i like neeko
nidalee - wtf furry
nocturne - why they put heat seeking missles in game
noo noo william - wilpump
olaf - i guess this riot's prototype draven he kinda cute but also he beat my skull in
orianna - why
ornn - like why even queue up if you want to play this champ just so boring and broken for no reason
pantheon - nice hat
poppy - draven probably punt poppy across 3 football fields
pyke - he good i think also can just execute give me cash in and also he green kinda cute
qiyana - 200 years dogshit company
quinn - revery quinn i want to turn into bird
rakan - wtf is this guy even also every rakan i have is dogshit i think every rakan player should become a enchanter slave : ))
rammus - roll
rek'sai - i mean she cute but will gank you 6 times before you are level 3 so like wtf rexxar
renekton - boom waddup
rengar - idk hes a cat i guess not a cute as yummy
river - ahahaha river in s10
grumble - wtf is this ?? why they put a squirrel in a robot? looks like a fucking neopet
ryze - blue?
sejuani - i mean she literally never die but as least cant kill me : ___)
senna - fuck you riot
sett - idk
shaq - i have never seen a good shaco support ever, did they just coinflip their way to my high rank (silver 2)
shon - ult me dumbfuck do you not want lp
syhvana - why her e make my hp go boom
singed - flip minion like a burger
sion - literally no one plays him
sivir - literally no one plays him
skarner - literally no one plays him
sona - why even play sona, only champ that gets one shot faster than adcs
sorka - revert pls i want to give my teammates mana :)
sawin - e hitbox fatter than my cock like ???? make him a midlaner agin so i dont have to play againt him not quirky at all
sylas - season 10 xd
syndra - kinda cancerr but kinda quirky
tahm kenhc - ?? wtf is he? he is fish? he is frog ? i like him he cute
taliay - big nose haha
talon - havent seen one in a while idk
taric - lol
teemo - maybe qss for blind but he kinda useless i want to stuff this hamster into sock and swing into wall (in game)
thresh - non degen supports play him so he cute
tristana - bomb go boom
trundle - wtf he smashing my skull with ice
tryndamere - champ is just cringe i dont even dislike him but like wtf who decides they wanna play tryndlemere
twisted fate - cards cute
twitch - umm he is kinda stinky 😝😝 but he also kinda quirky ngl 😳😳
udyr - why
urgot - alpha swag boss alpha monster swagger
varus - poke varus make me want make computer go boom boom, nerf pls, on hit is swagger tho
vayne - in season 10?
veijar - i want to lock him in a cabinet with no food or water for 2 months 🥰🥰
vel'koz - literally who
vi - if your teammate picks can just lock in nunu, if enemy picks enjoy free lp unless your jg is a complete mong, this champ is so dogshit useless like holy fuck just dont die to ganks for like 5 minutes
viktor - bzzzzrt
vladimir - fuck this champ he so fucking good reee
volibear - revert pls
warwick - revert pls 0 skill
wukong - holy fuck please revert i cant take another 3 minute knock up wtf why riot
xayah - she cool i think
xerth - he cool i think
xin zhao - nobody play him but he is just like version of vi that is not complete dogshit
yasuo - lol
yorwick - hes actually kinda broken but big arms so cool i think
yummy - my pet cat i lock in cage and forget about in closet sorry yummy
zac - why
zed - in season 10
zigg - my faboirte he go boom
zilean - also go boom but dog fucking useless but he old so its okay
zoe - fuck you riot : ))
zyra - pretty quirky also cool plants i like zyraw
ok guys that is it for this episode lmk what you think in the comments below
your friend,
submitted by king_ball to Draven [link] [comments]

Idea about balancing ranked old<=| =>new

We are about to reach over 150 champions this year , the problem is the same which affects TFT when they keep wanted to release new champions for that mode.
This game had under 60 champions when it leave beta ,and it also had 3 bans per team , that considering that among time Rioters give each team 2 extra bans and the fact that the amount of champions is reaching 3 x the amount of champions it had on release ,there must be a subject open on this.
My own idea ,was to create pool sets 1/2/3 , split champions among different sets , across how old they are , counter options if you pick smth, or based on how new they are .
Pool 1:
ADC: Ashe,jinx,tristana,sivir,twitch,kog maw
Pool 2:
ADC: Lucian,Varus,Draven,Miss fortune,kalista,vayne
Pool 3:
ADC: Xayah,Kai'sa ,Aphelios,Ezreal,Jhin,senna
This is an exemple for ADC role ,So if i am ADC main jinx , i go play pool 1 , the pool 1 has only those champions to pick as ADC .
The unknown problem , is how that affects waiting times for que ranked(here it comes balance across champions popularity), the point is that the game will still have the same amount of champions ,but the difference would be that , if you want to play a champion in ADC Role , let's say you wanna try a new champion ,so you select pool 3 and play regarding that.
When there will be more champions in pool 3 , then the pool 4 will be rolling out.
In this way , the new released champions getting balanced towards old outdated champions , and feels much more fun and less stressful . Also it allows you to master the game across different champions and doesn't feel overwhelming for new players.
About pro plays/tournaments ,those would run as usually happens now .(no pool restrictions/ only ranked would work as following=> normal games not affected/aram games/urf/events neither).
I feel like pro players will love this , they could run back in past and play the league as it use to be season 1/2/3/4 .
Or another idea , it would be to split champions on seasons pools(+- some champions to balance and feel every pool has low waiting times and better experience in ranked).
Season pool S1/S2/S3/S4 have some champions early been
Season pool S5/S6/S7 have some champions from early game , and some champions get removed from previous pool season ,to feel balanced.
Season pool S8/S9/S10 champions from this seasons released + some champions from season pool 5/6/7 ,and some base champs from season 1/2/3/4 , to feel balanced.
submitted by f-r-m to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

counter varus adc s10 video

Varus ADC vs Draven - KR Grandmaster Patch 10.8 - YouTube YOU TRIED TO COUNTER MY DARIUS? - Iron to Master S10 ... RUSH SAISON 10: UNE BONNE REPONSE A MF ?  Varus Adc - YouTube Is Lethality Varus the most OP ADC in Season 10? - League ... How to Play VARUS ADC for Beginners  VARUS Guide Season ... GUIDE DE CHAMPION : VARUS S10 (ADC) - YouTube How to Counter EVERY ADC in Season 10 - YouTube

Black Shield makes Morgana a hard counter to most of the CC reliant supports, ... Throughout laning phase your win condition is almost always just to shove every wave into tower and force the enemy ADC to last-hit there. Varus is great at harassing under tower with auto-attacks due to his large auto-attack range. He can also harass with Piercing Arrow when the enemy ADC is last-hitting so they ... Varus the Arrow of Retribution Ranked #18 out of 20 in ADC Discover all ADC champions who counter Varus. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Varus in League of Legends and win in Champion Select! Varus Data for all roles taken from 6,344 7 80 1,088 5,147 24 matches. Varus is strong once he has his Ultimate R. It offers him lots of extra damage, can be used to set up ganks and it also increases his survivability. In team fights, Varus really shines as his Ultimate R can be used in a variety of ways. He can use it as a self peel tool and as an engage tool. Once Varus is level 9, he would’ve maxed his Q. Swain Win Ratio 38.89% Counter Sivir Win Ratio 43.47% Counter Jhin Win Ratio 46.89% Counter Build guides for Varus on ProGuides. Find Varus builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. Use the Varus guide on ProGuides to find Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, and Play Rate. Varus build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in ... Varus build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Patch 11.3 Welcome to the ADC Tier List, comprehensive look at the strongest ADC Champions in the current lol meta. Find out what is considered the best ADC Champion, and why there so much better then the other ADC’s picks. ADC is one of the most valued roles in the game, so much so that there is another Role that is dedicated to supporting the ADC threw lane phase. ADC Champions must How to counter Varus as Miss Fortune. No tips found. Be the first to submit a counter tip! Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! Show More. Add Another Weak Pick. Varus is Strong Against. Draven. Bottom. 17,921. 6,998. 2 Comments. Tips. How to counter Draven as Varus. No tips found. Be the first to submit a counter tip! Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip ... Best Rune Builds for Varus ADC. If you're looking for the best rune build for Varus we've got you covered. Below you can find the most recommended rune build for Varus ADC, as determined by LeagueSpy's calculations of thousands of Plat+ League of Legends games. If you are already familiar with how to play Varus this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch 11.3 ...

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Varus ADC vs Draven - KR Grandmaster Patch 10.8 - YouTube

Yoo !!Petit guide sur Varus pour cette saison 10. Je vous présente les runes, le build ou encore les summoners spells à avoir pour les bien commencer le cham... Gameplay from DIAMOND 1 EUW - Playing the easiest and most OP ADC in Season 10 League of Legends - Varus with a Lethality build. Feel free to use this Varus ... We looked at what every ADC is good and bad at so you can beat them on the rift!Download the Mobalytics Desktop app! https://moba.lol/36eRDH2Editor: Anatol... #Varus ADC played by Trust yourself, #KRGrandmaster 421 LPBuy a new LOL skin T-shirt: https://teespring.com/stores/lol-new-skinsHelp me reach 200.000 SUBSCRI... RUSH SAISON 10: UNE BONNE REPONSE A MF ? Varus Adcgame complète: https://youtu.be/RNOw-sf0MPA Si vous voulez connaître mon set up perso : Souris logitech G... Welcome back to Iron to Master! Today we're playing some Darius and we've had a Maokai picked against us who is known as a pretty effective counter when play... How to Play VARUS ADC for Beginners VARUS Guide Season 10 League of Legends is focused on playing Varus and the purpose of this video is to explain the e...

counter varus adc s10

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