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Travel Guide For Bandhavgarh National Park

Travel Guide For Bandhavgarh National Park
Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve of Madhya Pradesh is one the most coveted destination for wildlife tourism, especially for tourists who wish to see the Tiger in the wild. Not only does it attract wildlife enthusiasts interested in watching the apex predator, the reserve is also quite popular among wildlife lovers who wish to see some rare species found in the park as well as those who are interested in watching different species of birds, reptiles and butterflies.
The Reserve is mainly recognized for the presence of majestic Royal Bengal Tiger,which is the national animal of India and one of the most fascinating animal in the world. BTR with its dense forest, bamboo vegetation, vast grasslands along with some perennial streams offers an excellent habitat for the solitary predator. Over the years under the expert management practices of administrative body the reserve has witnessed a significant rise in number of the Tigers and is among the top reserves with high density of big cat. Together with abundance of prey species in tourism areas, its one the best parks to sight Tiger in its full grandeur.
Bandhavgarh Tiger reserve has great historical significance as well which is evidenced by the presence of the famous Bandhavgarh fort, various caves, rock paintings inside the protected area.Thus Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve is a unique national park where nature and history are inseparable.
The park consists of distinct areas namely ‘Bandhavgarh National Park’, ‘Panpatha Wildlife Sanctuary’ which make up the “core area” and the adjoining notified “buffer area” spread across the districts of Umaria, Shahdol and Katni of Madhya Pradesh state of India.

Forest Type:
In Forestry terminology, the forests of BTR are broadly classified into the following types:
• Moist Peninsular Low level Sal Forest
• West Gangetic Moist Mixed Deciduous Forest
• Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forest
• Dry Deciduous Scrub Forest
However, for the general understanding purpose, the forest of Bandhavgarh may be termed as ‘Moist Mixed Decidous Forest with predominance of Sal’ and it may be classified in following categories:
• Sal Forest
• Mixed Forest
• Grasslands
Inside the reserve Sal trees are the predominant species with its associate miscellaneous species and grasslands. Bamboo is also found almost throughout the reserve. The low-lying areas, which were once human settlements are covered with varieties of grass while Sal and Bamboo are spread throughout the remaining lower areas. The Sal population goes down gradually as one ascends upwards with forests of mixed deciduous type gaining prominence on upper hills and hilltops with shallow soil and rocky outcrops.
Grasslands or meadows occur all over the park. Important grasslands in BTR are Chakradhara, Bathan, Sehra, Rajbehra, Bhitri, Jobi Vah, Kudrakeru Vah, Kera Vah etc. Some of these have been cultivated in the past while some of the old grasslands along the ‘nalas’ are marshy in nature having plenty of aquatic plants. Rare species of plants such as insectivorous plant ‘Droserapeltata’, commonly know as Shield Sundew or Pale Sundew and medicinal plant locally know as 'Buch', scientific name‘Acorus calamus’, are found in isolated patches of the park.
Flora & Fauna:
For the general understanding purpose, the forest of BTR may be termed as ‘Moist Mixed Deciduous Forest with predominance of Sal’ and it may be classified in following categories:
• Sal Forest
• Mixed Forest
• Grasslands
Trees and plants which are commonly found in BTR are:
Sal (Shorea robusta), Saj (Terminalia tomentosa), Dhaora/Dhavda (Anogeissus latifolia), Tendu (Diospyros melanoxylon),Baheda(Terminalia bellerica), Arjun (Terminalia arjuna), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Palas (Butea monosperma), Salai (Boswellia serrata), Bhirra (Chloroxylon sweitenia), Gamar (Gmelina arborea), Dhaman (Grewia tiliifolia), Mango (Mangifera indica), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus), etc.
Over 35 kinds of mammals, 250 species of birds, 100 plus species of butterflies and 16 kinds of snakes are testimony to the fact that the rich diverse habitats of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve support wide range of animal communities viz.: mammals, birds, reptiles and many lesser life forms. The central meadows of Bandhavgarh (Tala range) are rich in ungulates, tigers and other species of fauna.

Main Fauna
The prominent mammal species of Bandhavgarh are:
• Spotted deer or Chital (Axis axis)
• Sambar (Cervus unicolor)
• Barking deer or Muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak)
• Chousingha or Four-horned antilope (Tetracerus quadricornis)
• Nilgai or Blue bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
• Indian Gazelle or Chinkara (Gazella gazella)
• Gaur or Indian Bison (Bos gaurus)
• Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
• Leopard (Panthera pardus)
• Wild dog or Dhole (Cuonal pinus)
• Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena)
• Indian Wolf (Canis lupus)
• Jackal (Canis aureus)
• Wild boar (Sus scrofa)
• Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus)
• Common langur (Presbytis entellus)
• Rhesus monkey (Macaque mulata)


Even though Bandhavgarh is mainly famous for Tiger and other large mammals but regularly many tourists come here who are keen to catch the glimpses of Bandhavgarh’s rich avifauna. More than 250 species of birds have been identified in the Reserve. Many waterbirds can also be seen in the park and there are some migratory birds too which can be found in the park during the winter season.
A few prominent species of birds which are commonly sighted in the park are:
• Peafowl
• Red Jungle Fowl
• Grey Hornbill
• Common Teal
• Red Wattle Lapwing
• Crested Serpent Eagle
• White Breasted Kingfisher
• Lesser Adjutant Stork
• Long Billed Vulture
• Red Headed Vulture
• Oriental White-backed Vulture
• Egyptian Vulture
Three of the four species of vultures occurring in Bandhavgarh; Oriental White-backed Vulture, Indian vulture or the Long-billed Vulture and Red-headed Vulture have been identified to be having high risk of global extinction and are listed as critically endangered in the IUCN list. The fourth, Egyptian Vulture has been categorised as endangered. Due to presence of many hillocks, cliffs and elevated areas its common to see the nesting colonies of vultures inside the park which raises the hope that all is not lost for these birds.
Bandhavgarh Jungle Safari Packages
Weather Conditions At Bandhavgarh

Tourist Information
Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve comprises of Bandhavgarh National Park and Panpatha wildlife sanctuary. It is a part of the Central Indian Highlands and is located between the Vindhyan Hills and the eastern flanks of Satpura hill ranges. The reserve is mostly spread in Umaria along with Katni and Shahdol districts of Madhya Pradesh.
The Reserve lies between:
Latitude 23° 27' 00'' to 23° 59' 50" North
Longitude 80° 43' 15" to 81° 15' 45" East
The main entrance for the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve National Park is from the village Tala which is the centre of all the wildlife tourism related activity. Almost all of the Tourism infrastructure is situated at Tala which houses departmental accommodation as well as numerous private resorts, lodges and hotels which can provide more than 1200 beds. Tala, being the centre of all tourism activities, is well connected by road to all the major Rail and Airport locations.
Safari Zones
The park is divide into Critical Tiger Habitat or the Core Area and Buffer Area with total area as mentioned below:
Total Area: 1536.938 sq. km
Core Area: 716.903 sq. km
Buffer Area: 820.035 sq. km
As per the tourism guidelines; roughly about 19.89% area of the Core Tiger Habitat or the core zone is open for tourists, which is about 142.59 sq kms.
Core Zones: Tala, Maghadhi and Khitauli
Buffer Zones: Dhamokhar, Johila and Panpatha
Core Zone Safari Vehicles and Capacity of each Zone

Safari Types
Administrative body has permitted different kind of excursion activities inside the reserve with the objective of making tourists experience nature and wildlife closely which can help tourists understand its importance.
Excursion activities permitted in the reserve are:
• Wildlife Safari
o By vehicles registered with park management for tourism purpose (light motor vehicles), with the capacity to seat maximum 8 persons including the driver and guide (6 tourists + 1 Guide + 1 Driver)
o It is recommended to book your Gypsy safari online as about 70% of vehicles are booked online. Only few vehicles are booked at the current ticket counter while few vehicles are under park management.
• Elephant Safari
o For maximum 4 persons, as per the availability of elephants.
o Booked at the current ticket-counter.
• Photography/Filming/Vidoegraphy Permits
o Issued for one Cameraman, who is allowed to take maximum two assistants along with him.
Best Time To Visit:
The Reserve is usually open for tourists from 15th of October to 30th of June. Due to hot weather during summer season in the month of April, May and June it is suggested to visit the park during the months of October to March.
However as Bandhavgarh is one the most favoured destination for Tiger tourism because of its higher ratio of sightings, the reserve remains packed practically for almost entire tourist season. Since the safari bookings are done online and booked well in advance, planning your trip well in advance is strongly recommended.
Do's Donts At Bandhavgarh
Why WildTrails?
WildTrails know the best in order to save you zigging and zagging over here and there.
WildTrails has sighting information from across all the parks.
WildTrails uses its network of best tiger tracker expert associated with the particular zone of the park.
WildTrails provides an easy way of seeing all possible wildlife trips for some of the top exotic wildlife destinations across the world [Currently Supporting India, Kenya & Tanzania] with an end-to-end trip right from your flights, to wildlife resorts to wildlife safaris to pickup/drops from local airports to even local experiences & that you probably don’t want to miss including 16-hr support via direct chat with our world-class support staff via our App or WhatsApp (in the event of any delays or last-minute issues to any general queries about your plan or destination).
WildTrails uses the network of best tiger tracker experts associated with the particular zone of the park.
WildTrails is the world’s first and only company to bring Sightings Data, analytics into planning Wildlife holidays. WidTrails have all the sightings info (4 years data) to create a predictive metric called the sighting index. The WildTrails app uses Artificial Intelligence to make sure that the tourist will come back with the best Tiger Sightings.

Trails Across India
  • Kabini
  • Nagarahole national park
  • Bandipur National park
  • Kaziranga National Park
  • Ranthambore National park
  • Thadoba Andhari tiger reserve
  • Gir Forest National park
  • Jim-Corbett National park
  • Pench Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Kanha National Park & Many more
Trails Across Africa
  • Masai Mara National Reserve
  • Naivasha National Park,
  • Serengeti National Park & Others
Get Your Free Quote
submitted by Wadewilliam170 to u/Wadewilliam170 [link] [comments]

Complete Travel Guide For Pench National Park

Complete Travel Guide For Pench National Park
Housed in the Seoni and Chhindwara districts of Madhya Pradesh, Pench National Park owes its name to the river Pench which cuts a path through the forests. It is so vast that it straddles the realm of Madhya Pradesh and the neighbouring state Maharashtra. The beauty of Pench National Park is so enchanting that it has sparked one of the best creations of Rudyard Kipling- The Jungle Book.
Laden with rocky trails, wooded hills, glassy rivers, and gushing streams, the park lures in large herds of visitors every year, and is a nature lover’s wildest dream! The beautiful, lush woods foster over 300 varied species of flora and fauna, something no other place in India can boast of! There are also flocks of resident and migratory birds that live here.
The park also shelters the iconic Royal Bengal Tiger and is India’s finest sanctuary, Pench Tiger Reserve. It offers splendid opportunities for tiger spotting, especially in the summers.
The swaying trees and gurgling streams are a melodious combination, lulling the senses of all those who come here. With no dearth of luxury resorts, cottages and lodges that line the interiors of the park, a perfect balance of comfort and wilderness enhances your trip. There are countless stimulating activities that you can lust after at this national park.
The Pench National Park Safari is the best of its kind in the entire country. Besides that, activities like nature trails, elephant safaris, boating, bonfires, bird watching, wildlife spotting, and cycling rides add magic and excitement to your stay.

Flora Of Pench National Park :
Receiving heavy rainfall, Pench National Park is lined with beautiful Sal trees throughout. The leaves of Sal are good quality fodder, while the fruits are heavy on the nutritional value. Besides Sal, the park is home to the rare Crocodile Bark, also known as Saja or Ain.
Terminalia Arjun can also be found here in large numbers near water sources and is distinguished by the thick girth. Numerous other species like Terminalia Chibula, Billerica, and Axle Wood or Dhaoda are also shaded within the bounds of the park.
Find stunning, vibrant flowers like Amaltas and Flame of The Forest (Butea frondosa), while the trees of Baja, Haldu, and Jamun (Black plum) stand guard.
Fauna Of Pench National Park :
The park is home to a large variety of fascinating animals like Bison, Cheetal, Sambar, Nilgai, Wild Dog, and Wild Pig. Other animals that the park shelters are predators like Leopard and Wolf, while species like Barking Deer, Chinkara, Hyena, Porcupine, Jungle Cat, Palm Civet, Fox and countless more can be spotted here.
If that sounds impressive, have a look at the species of various birds that grace the interiors of the park- Malabar Pied Hornbill, White-eyed Buzzard, Grey-headed Fishing Eagle, and Indian Pitta. It is a true paradise for bird watchers and nature lovers alike.
Migratory birds like the Brahmini Duck, Coots, and Bar-headed Geese, and endangered species of vultures greet you. There are more than 50 species of fishes, 30 reptiles, numerous kinds of butterflies, moths and amphibians in the park.

Buffer Zones in Pench National Park
Turia Zone
The most elegant zone in Pench National Park, the Turia gate is located just 1.5 km away from Village Machaan Resort. The entry gate sits adjoining a wildlife museum, which holds information of the various flora and fauna in the park.
Turia zone is open from October to June. You can book Turia safaris online, for an advance booking is required to enter the gate.
Karmajhiri Zone
Another premium entry gate of Pench National Park, Karmajhiri shares part of Turia zone, including water bodies like Bodanala, and Sitaghat.
Karmajhiri zone is located about 45 km from Village Machaan Resort and is open from October to June. It is advisable to have advance bookings for entry through this gate.
Jamtara Zone
Jamtara zone is a lovely expanse, famous for sightings of Sloth Bears. It Falls in the Chhindwara district of MP. You can avail online booking to the park from this zone.
It is located at a distance of 65 km from Village Machaan Resort.
Rukhad Zone
Alternatively known as Bison retreat, Rukhad zone is situated at a distance of 35 km from Village Machaan Resort. The zone houses beautiful dense trees and is a wild whispering to nature lovers who flock here in search of beauty, respite, and solitude.
The zone carries various species of flowers and trees and is open to visitors from October to June. No online bookings are available, which means tickets must be booked directly at the booking window.
Sillari Zone
Sillari zone invites entries throughout the year but is shut on Wednesdays. The zone is replete with trees of Garari, Teak, and Bamboo.
Sillari is shaded in the Maharashtra part of Pench National Park and is located 35 km away from Village Machaan Resort. Online bookings are available.
Khursapar Zone
Another zone sheltered in the Maharashtra part of Pench National Park, Khursapar is seated 9 km away from Village Machaan Resort. It harbors various natural water bodies, which draw many species of birds and wild animals to it.
This zone is closed on Tuesdays, and online bookings are available.

How To Pick Right Pench Safari Gates And Zones

Places To Visit Near Pench National Park
  • Pachdhar Potter’s Village (55 km from Pench National Park.)
  • Totlah Doh Dam (20 km away from Pench National Park.)
  • Kohka Lake
  • Pachmarhi : One of the most stunning hill stations in Madhya Pradesh, Pachmarhi is known as ‘The Queen of Saputara’, (200 km away from Pench National Park.)
  • Kanha National Park (187 km away from Pench National Park.)

Jungle Safari
The Pench National Park Jungle Safari surpasses all your expectations, and offers unbeatable excitement! Since Pench National Park is home to countless fascinating species of wildlife, traversing the interiors of the lush forests and being gifted with glimpses of the rarest animals is an unrivaled form of tourism. Spot leopards, tigers, wild boars, nilgai, and a variety of deer.
- Spot the rarest species of wild animals in the shelters of Pench National Park.
- Take an open jeep safari, and experience the thrill of spotting wild beasts the likes of which can be seen nowhere else.
- Indian Bison, Chital, Wild Boars, Sambar, Flying Squirrel, Black Bear, Jackal and Jungle Cat roam the park freely.
Location: Pench National Park
Price: INR 2,000 to 3,000 per safari
Safari Timings:
Summer: Morning: 6:30 am to 9:30 am
Evening: 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Winter: Morning: 7:30 am to 10:30 am
Evening: 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Safari Cost: - INR 1500 per vehicle (for Indians)
- INR 3000 per vehicle (for Foreigners)
Bird Watching
Pench National Park is arguably the largest reserve in India, and the abode of over 300 species of birds, both resident and migratory. Birds like the Indian Pitta, Osprey, White-eyes Buzzard, Brahmini Duck, Coots and Bar-headed Geese form only the tip of the iceberg! Each jeep safari is about 3-4 hours long.
For the best bird watching experience, consider planning your trip between the months of October to March.
-Indian Pitta, Osprey, White-eyed Buzzard, Brahmini Duck and many more birds grace the lush Pench National Park.
-Migratory birds are best spotted in the months of October to March.
-A long jeep safari amidst the dense woods is perfect for bird watching enthusiasts.
Location: Pench National Park, Seoni Dist., Kurai, Madhya Pradesh
If you love doing cycling, there are several routes for cycling in Madhya Pradesh offering scenic views and pleasant climate.

Get Your Customised Packages
Essential Things to Keep in Mind
- Visiting Pench National Park during monsoons might turn out to be completely disastrous. Besides, parts of the park are shut post the month of June.
- Nagpur is the nearest town to Pench National Park, and it is more convenient to travel the park from there.
- Instead of evenings, take the morning Safari. It increases your chances to spot more species of wildlife.
- It is advisable to avoid wearing deodorant or perfume, as it may scare the animals.
- Mobile reception in the forest is tricky, so internet connectivity may be weak.
- Elephant rides in Pench Tiger Reserve are more suitable if you want to spot tigers.
- Prefer to wear light, simple clothing instead of flashy, bright ones to ensure you do not catch the animals’ attention.
Best Time to Visit Pench National Park
The massive Pench National Park is a splendid beauty all year long, though it can be best experienced between the months of November and June when sightings of various animals and birds are frequent.
The months of April-May-June are more favorable since animals move out in search of water more often, and if you’re in for the wildlife part of it, summers are your best bet.
The weather is pleasantly cool, but the nights may get slightly colder in the months of January and February. Some zones of the park are open to visitors only from October to June.
How do I get there?
Nearest Airport: Jabalpur and Nagpur
Nearest Railway Station: Jabalpur, Chhindwara & Nagpur
Why WildTrails?
WildTrails provides an easy way of seeing all possible wildlife trips for some of the top exotic wildlife destinations across the world [Currently Supporting India, Kenya & Tanzania] with an end-to-end trip right from your flights, to wildlife resorts to wildlife safaris to pickup/drops from local airports to even local experiences & that you probably don’t want to miss including 16-hr support via direct chat with our world-class support staff via our App or WhatsApp (in the event of any delays or last-minute issues to any general queries about your plan or destination).
WildTrails uses the network of best tiger tracker experts associated with the particular zone of the park.
WildTrails is the world’s first and only company to bring Sightings Data, analytics into planning Wildlife holidays. WidTrails have all the sightings info (4 years data) to create a predictive metric called the sighting index.


Trails Across India
  • Kabini
  • Nagarahole national park
  • Bandipur National park
  • Bandhavgarh National Park
  • Kaziranga National Park
  • Ranthambore National park
  • Thadoba Andhari tiger reserve
  • Gir Forest National park
  • Jim-Corbett National park
  • Pench Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Kanha National Park & Many more
Trails Across Africa
  • Masai Mara National Reserve
  • Naivasha National Park,
  • Serengeti National Park & Others
submitted by Wadewilliam170 to u/Wadewilliam170 [link] [comments]

Mar/10/2020 -- Daily News Summary -- Pashinyan blasts Constitutional Court chief for secret meetings with Kocharyan's lawyer -- Other major stories on Post-Revolution Changes, Anti-Corruption, Economy, Politics, Diaspora, Daily Life, and more...

Pashinyan's bombshell report about Kocharyan lawyer's secret visits to Constitutional Court

A few months ago the Parliament voted to condemn the CC chief Hrayr Tovmasyan for his bias, alleged rule violations, etc. A petition was sent to CC for his fellow judges to hear the complaints against him.
The CC outright rejected the petition and didn't even consider discussing it, which raised Parliament's ire and accelerated the attempt to dissolve the body.
CC chief Hrayr Tovmasyan's godson is none other than Robert Kocharyan's lawyer Orbelyan. CC has the ability to release Kocharyan from jail if it claims a law he's charged with is unconstitutional.
Kocharyan's lawyer was accused of secretly meeting with Tovmasyan.
During today's speech in Meghri, Pashinyan said there is info that lawyer Orbelyan went to CC to meet Tovmasyan and steps were taken to cover it up.
Pashinyan said:
CC's chief of staff instructed the security not to record the entrance of lawyer Orbelyan, saying "let him in, it's boss's relative". This happened numerous times. We know this because an investigation was conducted and CC's security guards testified that this happened.
These secret meetings between Tovmasyan and Kocharyan's lawyer were happening while CC was hearing a law that affected Kocharyan (immunity stuff).
Chief Tovmasyan has a record of expressing personal opinion around March 1st (which Kocharyan is charged with). Tovmasyan was a HHK MP at the time of appointment. A judge should always recuse himself from cases connected to him. Tovmasyan didn't recuse himself.
This is one of the reasons why Parliament petitioned CC to apply sanctions against Tovmasyan, for violating rules. The CC rejected the petition and didn't even hear the complaints, which essentially took away Parliament's power granted to it by Constitution.
The CC exceeded its power, took away Parliament's power, and it's not even possible to challenge CC's decision. They are acting above the law... I need you to vote YES on April 5th.
Tag: ConstitutionalCourt HrayrTovmasyan LawyerOrbelyan

the YES campaign on a tour

A few hours earlier...
Pashinyan returned from the EU trip where he met various officials to discuss reforms. He uploaded a pic from the jet's pilot cabin. "I'm abusing my powers by live-streaming from the cabin," joked PM upon landing in Zvartnots.
Livestream https://armtimes.com/hy/article/182527
The PM, 1st lady and the QP party members then traveled to Agarak settlement to hold a rally to promote a YES vote on the April 5th referendum.
The leader of NO campaign, the former deputy Justice Minister HHK Ruben Melikyan, incorrectly accused the PM of breaking the law for using a helicopter to fly to the southern region.
VIDEO https://armtimes.com/hy/article/182534
Agarak residents surrounded Pashinyan and demanded an unplanned speech. The PM had no choice but to satisfy the calls for circlejerk, as the streets were shut by the residents. "You have essentially shut down the roads, this is symbolic... please attend Meghri rally for the main speech," said PM before giving a mini-speech.
Rally began in the southern Meghri city.
Pashinyan: Some former regime members say the govt plans to falsify referendum results. They don't get it, do they? I'd rather cut my both hands and the hands of any election fraudster. https://youtu.be/FObw9Ms40Kg
QP chief Lilith Makunts spoke about some of CC judges' biases and "life terms in office".
Pashinyan spoke about the Serj-Tovmasyan collusion and the 2018 Constitutional Court hijacking.
Education Minister: In democratic countries, the govt asks people's opinion while solving important problems. Let's repeat 2018... This will be a blow to those who used to sit in their cabinets and make decisions for you without caring about your opinion.
Hanrapetutyun Party chief Aram Sargsyan: the face of NO are Rob and Serj. This referendum is a continuation of what began earlier. They say the referendum is illegal. Where do you see such referendums being illegal, in Azerbaijan?
Yerkrapah Veterans chief Sasun Mikaelyan: we will have true freedom when the judicial system works properly. A YES vote will create a better future for our kids.

Kocharyan ally Mayrapetyan's health

The court earlier issued an arrest warrant for Samvel Mayrapetyan, the Kocharyan ally accused of acting as a middleman for a $7mln bribe. He went to EU for medical care and didn't return.
His lawyer says Mayraletyan will undergo a new surgery soon and that the absence is "legal and justified".
Q: it's been a year. He's promised to get a surgery and return.
Lawyer: his surgeries are "routine". More could be needed. We'll challenge the illegal decision that placed an arrest warrant against my client.
The investigators believe he's hiding under the pretense of medical care despite multiple warnings and time-frame to appear. They say Mayrapetyan can receive the care in Armenia.

Tushonka wants to visit Europe

Disgraced general Manvel Grigoryan has asked Healthcare Ministry and the court to let him travel to Europe for medical reasons.

Kocharyan' health / Missed the trial

Former president Robert Kocharyan was taken from jail to a hospital. Doctors found heart arrhythmia and 3rd stage high blood pressure (160-180 upper).
The judge postponed his trial to March 17th.
Would Kocharyan and his friends ever go to the doctor and detect their health problems it wasn't for their arrests? Double-edged sword? 🤔

it turns out the dude wasn't "healthy"

Yesterday, Pashinyan went to a village and promised an elderly lonely woman to help with housing, but got mad when a young man approached him with the same plea. "You're an able-bodied man like me," said agitated Pashinyan before leaving.
Now the man claims he has had a disability for many years. "I have back problems, I used to walk with aid. I got caught off guard during yesterday's conversation with PM and didn't have an opportunity to tell Pashinyan about my condition. I got shy and didn't respond."

border escalation continues

An Armenian contractor was killed today during a border shootout. The situation escalated a few weeks ago. Last week, Azeris did a failed infiltration attempt leaving 1 dead. They sustained 3 combat deaths since the escalation.

Matenadaran Restores Oldest Armenian Manuscript

This book was written in 981. It's been restored by the book-nerds at Matenadaran.
"The manuscript is written in bolorgir [bolola-gir?], a type of cursive which back then was considered a less prestigious writing style."
English article: https://www.civilnet.am/news/2020/03/10/Matenadaran-Restores-Oldest-Armenian-Manuscript/377957

dudz in hazmat suitz

Healthcare Ministry sent doctors in hazmat suits to quarantine 2 Yerevan visitors who allegedly weren't properly checked at Zvartnots airport upon arrival. Their COVID tests came negative.

no Italy for you

Civil Aviation has raised the alarm level and strictly advises against traveling to Italy, citing Italian state-wide quarantine which restricts leaving home unless it's for a family matter, basic necessities, work.
Italy has >9000 wounded, 436 killed, 700 recovered.
2 jets will arrive from Italy today. The passengers will be isolated from other airport passengers and checked. Update: 1st jet arrived without symptoms.

not many cancellations in hotels

When 31 Iranian-Armenians were quarantined in a 5-star former Tsakhkadzor hotel building, some patrons were concerned and canceled their bookings in nearby hotels.
"The panic was only on the first day," said Kotayk governor Romanos, "Now the bookings are back to normal. There were many patrons on March 8th. Tsakhkadzor mayor went to give flowers to the quarantined women."
The mayor later clarified that he transferred the flowers through workers in hazmat suits. (smart man, you'll survive this walrus attack)

prosecutors busted a property embezzlement

In what appears to be a routine way to embezzle property, prosecutors say the former Property Management officials illegally hired and colluded with a private property value assessor in 2017, which valued a certain property at 33mln.
The property was sold for 21mln. A recent assessment shows the property was, in reality, worth 48mln at the time. A felony case is launched against the officials.

Amulsar miner Lydian to sue Armenia / Workers in ECHR

Context: Amulsar hills have gold. Lydian miner got a mining permit under Serj administration. Accusations were made that the permit was given illegally after covering up environmental issues. Pashinyan administration launched a felony investigation and year-long environmental research, which found 16 issues but overall "safe for operations" if the issues are fixed. The environmental activists, however, didn't care, and continued to blockade the mining area, causing the miner to suspend its operations.
Lydian said:
We'll sue the govt to recover the financial losses done since 2018, and also for the unearned revenues that we were supposed to get during 10-15 years of projected mine operation. We have staff who lost their jobs. They are in a bad financial situation now.
So far 30 workers joined the lawsuit, but all 300 will join soon. These workers used to earn 600k/mo. The govt broke its promise of helping us to resume our operations. If the govt cannot secure the rights of our workers, we'll take it to the European Court for Human Rights.

where are the sequoia seeds?

Lasy year Yerevan mayor received sequoia seeds as a gift from L.A. Municipality says they won't be planted in Yerevan because the trees are too tall, can fall, won't work in Yerevan climate. Sequoias can grow in Ijevan Park.

WTF lol mayor named a street after himself

Kotayk governor is suing Nor Gegh municipality to reverse a past decision that renamed Yerevanyan St. to Frontik Tevosyan St., named after the former mayor of the settlement. A local school was also named after him.
The Lower Court denied the lawsuit citing a law that requires the governor to act within 2 months in a situation like this. Governor Romanos escalated the case to Appeals Court. One of the arguments is that he wasn't the governor at the time due to political changes.
The former mayor wants to donate his property to the settlement, in exchange for preserving his name on the street. Governor objects it.

the barber trainer of Sevilla

Armenian national team's soccer coach Khashmanyan quit last month.
Soccer Federation technical chief Hines Melendes went to his home Spain to find a new coach. He convinced Joaquín Caparrós to take the job.
Caparros worked at Villareal, Athletic Bilbao, Sevilla, Osasuna, Granada, Levante, Mallorca, etc.
"I got an interesting offer to return to the pitch as a trainer. My goal is to help advance Armenia to 2022 World Cup," said Caparros who recently worked in backstage.
He'll coach Armenia until Nov-2021 and receive a relatively modest salary.
What if he agreed to move to Armenia so he can escape the raging coronavirus in Europe? 🤔
Compilation https://youtu.be/grZLxsCT6W0

new law results / compressed gas sales in Armenia

In 2019 the govt passed a consumer protection law to require gas stations to measure gas in KG instead of volume to avoid fraud. Some stations used to heat the gas before selling, so it would expand in volume and cost more.
The Economic Competition Committee (ECC) found that in 2019, 22% of the compressed natural gas was consumed by Yerevan drivers. Vayots Dzor only 2%. The average price was 98 Drams without indirect taxes.
The ECC audited gas stations within Yerevan and a 10km radius to see if they're competitive. 28 companies were asked to present 1Q18 vs 1Q19 data.
In some Yerevan districts, it was ~300 Drams, while elsewhere ~210. The prices were increased [on paper] after the law's application. Some stations charge more now but don't defraud. (technically it's the same price)
ECC found some possible price-fixing as well, after noticing similar prices across the board in some geo-locations. They're auditing the gas sales to see whether the prices are justified or "fixed". A gun was found in the jail cell where Jeffrey Epstein was suicided.

bad construction job wasn't paid

Last year Pashinyan threw a temper tantrum over some poor quality road repair and said the companies won't be paid from now on. Modern equipment was purchased to monitor asphalt quality.
Gegharquniq govt says in 2019 they didn't pay 100mln to 3 construction firms for violating norms, laying asphalt under the rain, and not using proper equipment. "We warned everyone ahead of time. This will be a lesson for others. Our province has the best results."

hundreds of applications to build slaughterhouses

The govt earlier passed a law to improve meat safety standards (could help exports) by requiring butchering be done at licensed clean butcheries with lab access that tests the animal's blood ahead of time. Farmers can send their cattle to these locations free of charge, but there weren't many locations across Armenia.
The Food Safety Committee says 272 petitions were received to build butcheries. 88 are under construction. 5 are mobile butcheries that will travel to villages to collect and butcher animals.
The govt subsidizes 7% of construction cost and issues an 8-year loan with 11% interest.
The govt is training >100 experts to handle licensed butchering and lab work.

more care for domestic violence victims

Labor Ministry plans to expand care for domestic violence victims in 2020. All provinces will have new shelters and aid facilities. They're working with an NGO. The latter used its resources to help 73 people since 2016: 66 females and 7 males.

new equipment for oncology

National Oncology Center has a new type of neurosurgery microscope Leica PROvido that's used in surgery rooms to get high definition imagery with a laser focus. This allows surgeons to see deeper and clearer.
Surgeon: this is going to make our job easier. It's better focused during a movement. It's going to let us detect and remove more tumor growths. We can work on blood vessels and nerves.
The Healthcare Ministry recently made all cancer surgery free. It'll apply to these types of surgeries as well.
National Oncology Center was recently removed from the list of institutes that was scheduled to be privatized. Pashinyan administration claimed the center is "too strategically important" thus should remain under govt control. An investment plan was created.

eco and gastro tourism expands

Pemzashen, Shirak has a new eco-gastro-agro-tourism guest hall to attract the lovers of nature, with the help of a UN program to develop such travel in rural Armenia. "Everything is homegrown and natural."
Tourists can make their apricot and apple vodka under guidance, make tonir BBQ, threaded cheese, learn to make mini statues with tuf stone, etc. The teachers are the local residents.
Similar projects exist in Gyumri and 2 other places.
Shirak government is working on coordinating the growing tourism. "Gyumri is going to have its first European flight in a month. The visitor should be informed of where to travel around Gyumri."
Pics https://armtimes.com/hy/article/182504

ICYM: Monday's important news

Edit: typos


1) The accused are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law, even if they sound guilty.
2) Currency in Armenian ֏ unless specified otherwise. NSS/SIS/SOC = law enforcement agencies. QP = Civil Contract Party. LHK = Bright Armenia Party. BHK = Prosperous Armenia Party.
3) ARCHIVE of older posts by Idontknowmuch: PART 1 ; PART 2 ; PART 3 ; PART 4 ; PART 5.
4) ARCHIVE of older posts by Armeniapedia.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Which national parks in India should I visit?

I'm planning to backpack across India in Mar, Apr 2020. I'm from Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan National parks have most of the tropical wildlife present in India (except Lions, Tigers, Rhinos, Snow animals...etc).
From some recommendations, I shortlisted the following National Parks. Kindly tell me how they differ from each other and which are the MUST-GOs. Feel free to recommend me new ones as well. I am more keen on going on a safari and seeing these animals (not found in Sri Lanka) in their natural habitats.
  1. Corbett Tiger Reserve
  2. Gir National Park
  3. Nagarhole Tiger National Park
  4. Wayanad Wildlife Park - Kerala
PS: I have already been to Kaziranga (Assam) and the Darjeeling Zoo.
submitted by uncle-iroh-11 to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments]

You Can Tell Facebook And Google Are Evil Because Hollywood Made Movies About Them

Google loves IOT devices. IOT devices love to biologically feminize, sterilize and emasculate males of all species. These devices don't go to The Good Place when you recycle them, they end up in your body.
Monsanto paid Google to bury unfavorable news
Revealed: Google made large contributions to climate change deniers
Monsanto paid Google to promote search results for “Monsanto Glyphosate Carey Gillam” that criticized her work, the documents obtained by The Guardian revealed.
Google OK To Pump Diminishing Pristine Groundwater To Cool Servers
Google = Evil
Articles appearing in Common Dreams, Futurism and The Guardian have described how a well-respected Reuters journalist, Carey Gillam, was systematically harassed by Monsanto with the assistance of Google.
Back when Google started deploying its little Street View cars around our neighborhoods, the company also ended up collecting about 600 GB of emails, passwords, and other payload data from unencrypted wifi networks in over 30 countries.
The Inexorable Evil Of Google's Governance Structure
Pentagon says Google's Drone Targeting Work Is Exempt From Freedom of Information Act
Google starts AI lab in China while ending an AI contract with the Pentagon
Google building technology to automate oilfields and to enhance oil retrieval.
How Google Girly Men Are Made
I know the guy down the road from my place who invented Febreeze, a petrochemical odorizer. An odorizer is something that "stinks pretty", as my dad used to say about perfume. He has a degree in chemistry. If you like breathing petrochemicals because they smell good, be my guest. That new car smell is nothing but poison. The educated people destroying the world are highly trained professionals. They're not nearly as smart as they think they are, but they're highly paid, and highly professional. The people who approve the chemicals are highly paid, educated professionals, who will sign their name to anything with 6 zeros attached to it.
Petrochemicals and plastic use grows 7X faster than human population. By 2040 more oil will be made into chemicals and plastics than burned in cars each year, for the first time. People who work in plastic extrusion plants die young. By 2025 cars will spew over 5 gigs of EMF data per day, as your car makes more money from your personal life than the sale of itself new. By 2030 your car will lock you up and drive you to the cop shop triggered by AI debtor prison algos. Miss one big payment too many, and pray your car doesn't suicide you off the road in revenge before it gets there.
In China your phone auto pays for your jaywalking ticket before you hit the other curb thanks to AI facial recognition. AI IOT devices are made from toxic nano mineral petrochemical plastic particles. And, by 2025 there will be gazillions of IOT bugs. Gates wanted a computer in every home and google wants a bug up every ass. That's why google protects people like Monsanto.
Smart diapers will eventually turn your kids into stupid sterile ghosts. Car tire and brake nano dust combine with combustible nano magnets, and PFAS dust, with C02 levels of 1,000 ppm, to literally make you 15% stupider and infinitely sicker. By 2025, sitting in your car for an hour will make you sicker than 2 hours of wearing VR goggles on Red Bull.
Urban water air food fabrics and EMF fields are toxic to life on earth, and will have unstoppable irreversible multi-generational genetic consequences that will be ever so very terribly slightly unkind. Our nano plastic metal gadgets, gizmos and bugs are making us chemically extinct as a species, the good news is that runaway climate extinction may slow the process somewhat.
Before You Begin Your Journey - I would like to introduce academic scientific fraud. This goes to prove how sold out academia and science are, with the possible exception of any subject ending in studies. I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground, but I do know that you should never trust anyone over 30 who is a physicist or priest.

Academic And Scientific Fraud

1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility - Nature
Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science – Royal Society
Peer-Review Fraud — Hacking the Scientific Publication Process - NEJM
Worst Science Fraud - Discover Magazine
Is the Peer Review Process a Scam? – enago academy
Let’s end reviewer fraud – Publons
107 cancer papers retracted due to peer review fraud | Ars Technica
Why scientists need to do more about research fraud – Guardian
Canadian researchers who commit scientific fraud are protected by privacy laws – The Toronto Star
China cracks down after investigation finds massive peer-review fraud – science mag
The Bottom of the Barrel of Science Fraud – Neuroskeptic
Scientific Fraud – EuroScientist journal
5 Common Types of Pharmaceutical Frauds You Should Know About!
Journey - Your Personal Descent Into Hell
Da Bone To Pick With You - RJC
A plateful of plastic – Reuters
Plastic Is Killing the Bacteria That Make 10% of Earth's Oxygen - Nature
Petrochemicals set to be the largest driver of world oil demand - IEA
Ocean Acidification Toxifying Phytoplankton - Planet Experts
Global petrochemicals market size projection - Newswire
Brake dust nanoparticles will kill you - INEWS
The future of petrochemicals - Deloitte
Rising use of plastics to drive oil demand to 2050: IEA - Reuters
Facing climate change pressure, big oil bets on plastic - Axios
A Surge of New Plastic Production Is on the Way - Yale
PFAS in almost everything - Yale ( there are thousands of different kinds of them )
Pollution Causing Feminization of Males Across Multiple Species - The Independent
Environmental impact of estrogens on human, animal and plant life - Science Direct
Warming warning over turtle feminization - PhysOrg
Environmental Warming and Feminization of Sea Turtle Populations31539-7) - Cell.com
Demasculinization and feminization of male gonads by atrazine: Consistent effects across vertebrate classes - NIH
Are Endocrine Disruptors Blurring Issues of Gender? - NIC
Background fish feminization effects in European remote sites - Nature
Endocrine Disruption Found in Fish Exposed to Municipal Wastewater - USGS
Evolution or Extinction of Men - Women's Health
Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care Products And Endocrine Disruptors in Water - EES
Black carbon found in women's placentas, even in remote sites - Newsweek
Environmental pollution is associated with increased risk of psychiatric disorders in the US and Denmark - PLOS
Top 10 air polluted cities are all in India = worse than China - FT
Lead Found in Drinking Fountains at 17% of California Public Schools - Capital & Main
Lake Michigan’s water volume can't dilute its chemicals - E Magazine
Males of All Species are Becoming More Female - Mercola ( with apologies )
Microplastic pollution ‘number one threat’ to humankind - Environmental Journal
Toxicity of Nanoparticles on the Reproductive System - Frontiers of Pharmacology
Pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environments an emerging threat for marine organisms - Science Direct
Microplastics cause chromosomal, reproductive abnormalities, early puberty, childhood obesity, increased blood pressure - Earth Day
Nanoparticles and embryonic development - Oncotarget
Moderate use of nanoparticles in food, toothpaste affects brain - Nebraska Today
Magnetic nanoparticles make youth stupid - The Scientist
Expert reaction to magnetite, air pollution and Alzheimer’s - Science Media Center
Plastic Teabags Release Billions of particles into Tea - Science Tech Daily
Impacts of Nano-Sized Plastic Particles on Benthic Invertebrates - Frontiers of Science
Microplastics in seafood and health - Springer
Nanoplastics accumulate in marine organisms and may pose harm to aquatic food chains - Science Daily
Microplastic Pollution has Physiological and Genetic Repercussions - Tech Today
Microplastics: From Fish To Human - Scientific American
Nine Things to Know About Microplastics - The Maritime Executive
Microplastics pose a threat to plants - Botany One
How tiny plastic particles are polluting our soil- United Nations
High levels of BPA found in the urine of teenagers - CSR Journal
Environmental Risk, Human Health, and Toxic Effects of Nanoparticles - Wiley Library
Silver nanoparticles have lethal effects on development and longevity - Nature
Combination of nanoparticles and contaminants form killer cocktail - Science Daily
Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Exposure on Human Health - Springer
Central nervous system toxicity of metallic nanoparticles - Dovepress
Metal Nanoparticles Damage Brain DNA - Tech Net
Toxicity of Nanoparticles on Insects - Dergy Park
Nanoparticles impact fish and us through food chain - Nordic Science
Impact of Nanoparticles on Brain Health - NCBI
Pesticides, petrochemicals and organic chemicals in drinking water - Health Vermont
Pharmaceuticals in the water cycle - USGS
Is tap water safe? - Environmental Magazine
11 terrifying things that could be lurking in your tap water - Business Insider
New PFAS Replacements May Pose More Risks - EWG
For Decades, Polluters Knew PFAS Were Dangerous But Hid Risks - EWG
Neonic Pesticide May Become More Toxic in Tap Water - NRDC
How DuPont Poisoned the World with Teflon - Organic Consumer
The Chemicals in Your Mac and Cheese - NYT
PFAS Chemicals Harm the Immune System, Decrease Response to Vaccines- EWG


The impact of exposure to air pollution on cognitive performance - PNAS
Seniors and men are especially vulnerable to cognitive decline due to dirty air - Motherboard
Is air pollution making us stupider? - The Week
'Suppressed' EU report could have banned 31 pesticides worth billions, the report said pesticides are making us stupid, depressed and infertile - Guardian
Western diet cause reduced cognition, declining cognition and dementia - NIH
Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain - Psych Today
What Screen Time Can Really Do to Kids' Brains - Psych Today
Your smartphone📱is making you👈 stupid, antisocial 🙅 and unhealthy 😷. So why can't you put it down❔⁉️ - The Globe & Mail
Myopia Epidemic From Too Much Screen Time, Not Enough Sunlight - USC


Teflon Frying Pans = Smaller Penis - Daily Mail
Western Male Sperm Counts Down 60% in 40 years - Indpendent
Generational decline in testosterone levels observed - Helio 2007
You're Not The Man Your Father Was - Forbes
Millennial men are significantly weaker than their fathers - The Telegraph
Pathologizing Kids, Big Pharma Style - Counterpunch
How social media is making us dumb, angry, addicted - the college fix
Spike In Autism Linked To Preservative In Processed Foods - UCF
How Modern Life Is Transforming The Human Skeleton - BBC ( with apologies )
100 Years Evolution = small jaw + crooked teeth + sleep apnea - PLOS Blog
Spermacidal Junk Food Blues - The Telegraph


Long-term Antipsychotic Treatment and Lower Brain Volumes - NCBI
Chronic refined carbohydrates = neurocognitive deficits - NCBI
Refined sugar intake = lower cognitive continuum - Neurology
Excessive carbohydrates = insulin resistance - Nature
EMF Effects on Bees, Butterflies and Wildlife - EH Trust
135 reports on effects of EMF on male fertility (1972–2012)- EMF Research
These scientists think that plastics are shrinking men’s penises - SMH
Pesticide residue on fruits and veggies tied to infertility - Reuters
Plastic Food Packaging Shrinking Dicks - The Sun UK
Naval Medical Research Institute: 2300 Studies on EMF Health Effects - EMF Research
PFAS: Insights from Past Actions to Inform Today’s Decisions - Nature

PFAS/PFOS = Most western men will be infertile by 2060

EMFs = Adverse Reproductive Effects
PFAS/PFOS = Forever Chemicals in Drinking Water And Air
Drugged Waters — how modern medicine is turning into an environmental curse
Anti-Depressants And Violence (pro-gun, but still useful)
Over-diagnosis and over-treatment of depression is common in the U.S.
Your Cosmetics May Be Killing You
Dental flossing and other behaviors linked with higher levels of PFAS in the body
Photo toxic video light makes you myopic, frys your brain, damages your retina and disturbs your sleep.
EMF = Brain/blood barrier degradation which exposes brain to blood contaminates.
Nano-plastics penetrate the blood/brain barrier in fish causing behavioural disorders.
submitted by CommonEmployment2 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Top 5 incredible places to visit in Gujarat this winter

Top 5 incredible places to visit in Gujarat this winter

In the winter season, India tends to be filled with foreign tourists, as the vast, culturally blessed, historically rich and miraculously beautiful country has an enormous number of places to visit. Choosing an ideal Indian place to visit becomes extremely perplexing in India. Therefore, we have chosen of the most visited places in by foreigners in winter, which is Gujarat, known for its entrancing beauty from white sand, historical Hindu and Jain temples, heavenly seashores, piping-hot cuisines, fossil fields of mysterious dinosaurs, boisterous and colourful Rann of Kutch, enthralling cave paintings to the home of Asian lions called Gir, a paradise for adventure lovers.www.e-visaindia.com helps you to find hassle free Indian E Visa.
To eliminate your confusion and facilitate your selection, we have prepared a list of top 5 incredible places to visit in Gujarat this winter. You must know that the ideal time to visit Gujarat is from October to March when you don’t have to bear the scorching sun because the weather becomes hospitable in this period.

1. Rann of Kutch

Kutch is one of the must visit places in Gujarat, especially during the Rann Mahotsav. It is between the Arabian Sea and the Thar Desert and regarded as the deadly combination of salt and sand, which makes it a paradise in the winter season. In full moonlight, the beauty of the place reaches its peak when having a camel safari. Before the emergence of the winter season, the Great Rann of Kutch gets a shower of the Great Flamingoes from the icy cold Siberia for the breeding purpose, which enhances the beauty of the Kutch by giving it a pinkish hue. Apart from Flamingoes, some other beautiful bird species like Blue Tailed Bee Eater, Bustards, Demoiselle Cranes and Cinereous Vulture add more to the beauty of this heavenly place in this season.
Moreover, if you want to taste the thrill of the Kutch, then visiting this place in the Rann Mahotsav time. The place tends to be boisterous with loud music, dance, cultural functions and myriad colours during the Rann Utsav, making it one of the best places to visit in Gujarat.

2. Saputara

Saputara, located near the Gujarat-Maharashtra border, is a hill station, which 1000 m above the sea level. Getting to Saputara from Mumbai is as easy as a walk in the park. The hill station boasts of salubrious climate and enchanting views. Saputara becomes heaven for newly-married honeymooning couples leaving them with sweet memories for the whole life in the winter season.
Some of the most loves tourist destinations of this hill station are Rajat Pratap trek, Saputara lake and Nageshwar Mahadev temple. If you are with your family and want to entertain your kids, then the Vansda National Park is an ideal place for a picnic with kids.

3. Gir National Park

Gir National Park has been in the limelight due to the Asiatic lion in its best place, the wild. This is the only place in the world where these lions can be found, which is why it is one of the most visited tourist places in Gujarat, especially for thrill experience seekers. The prime purpose of its foundation is to save the Asiatic lions that are on the verge of extinction. After its establishment, the Park has witnessed a boom in their numbers due to praiseworthy conservation efforts. The park, extending to 260 kilometres, became the national park in 1975, 10 years after the foundation of the sanctuary.If you want easily Urgent Indian Visa and Indian E Visa then you have to apply through www.e-visaindia.com
Apart from Asiatic lions, the forest is home to innumerable wild and vicious animals like jackals, antelope, leopards, deer and so on. Moreover, deadly crocodiles can be seen in the afternoon feeling the warmth of the sunshine and over 300 species birds give you a thrill if you are a wildlife adventure lover.

4. Somnath

Somnath temple, known as the first and purest of the 12 Jyotirlingas of the mighty God, Shiva. The Hindu moon god called Soma built a temple of gold show their own reverence to the glory of God, which led to its name, Somnath Temple. It is mentioned in religious books that this temple was built by the Ramayana villain Ravana in silver, Krishna in wood and King Bhimdev in stone. This entrancing temple lies on the shores of the Arabian Sea. The temple witnessed its destruction repeatedly. And, when India attained independence, the temple was reconstructed with heart and soul.
An innumerable number of Shiv devotees from India and uncountable foreigners from all over the world come to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva at Somnath Temple in quest of peace and bliss. It is one of the most revered temples in India due to its immeasurably religious value.

5. Dwarka

If you have a keen interest in the oldest religion in the world, Hinduism, then visiting Dwarka is a must for you, which is one of must visit tourist attractions in Gujarat. It is one of the most sacred and revered four or Char Dhams. Apart from being a Hindu pilgrimage site, the city is found to be one of the seven most ancient Sapta Puri religious cities in the country. Dwarka is believed to be the ancient kingdom of Lord Krishna and the first Gujarat capital. Janmashtami is the most awaited festival here, celebrated with heart and soul. There is a temple built around 200 BC called the Dwarkadhish Temple. Apart from that, there is also Jagat Mandir, which makes the city an ideal place for Hindu devotees.
To make your visit more entertaining, you can go to Gomti Ghaat and see decorated camels, seashell jewellery and have a cup of hot tea at any local tea stall there.
Having a clear understanding of top 5 places to visit in Gujarat in the winter season from your side means our purpose of writing this blog is fulfilled. In the list of top 5 places to visit in Gujarat are Dwarka, Somnath Temple, Gir Forest, Kutch and Saputara.
If you are a foreigner willing to visit Gujarat in India, then you will need an Indian Tourist visa. You can apply for it online. If there is any doubt lurking behind you concerning the e-tourist visa, then feel free to contact us.
submitted by visaforindia to u/visaforindia [link] [comments]

best thrilling wildlife sanctuaries in India for adventure lovers

best thrilling wildlife sanctuaries in India for adventure lovers

India is the seventh largest country in the world and boasts rich biodiversity, where unique and endangered animals feel secure and live peacefully in a great number of nature reserves and protected wildlife sanctuaries. Such beautiful sanctuaries are covered with the blanket of nature’s beauty that grabs the eyeballs of adventure and nature lovers. Every year, innumerable domestic and international tourists come to these reserves so that they can have a safari and squeeze every drop of adventure. www.e-touristvisaindia.com helps you to find hassle free Indian E Visa.
There is a large variety of animals and plants found in these jungles. Some of them are Tibetan antelopes in the north, elephants in the south, pandas in the east and Asiatic lions in the west of India. The lush vegetation spreading for miles and chock-full of wild species can make your safari memorable for your whole life.
That’s why we have prepared a list of 5 best wildlife sanctuaries in India to ease your selection. So, read them and prepare your bags for a thrilling experience.

Top 5 wildlife sanctuaries in India:

1. Bandhavgarh National Park:

If you want to smell the pure fragrance of Nature, then Bandhavgarh National Park, located in Madhya Pradesh, is a must-visit for you. It is full of lush greenery of the forest regions and uncountable wildlife species. You can have a jeep or elephant safari to taste the thrill of the jungle and have a close glimpse of most interesting animals like Royal Bengal Tigers, Gray Mongoose, Chinkara, Nilgai, leopards, wild cats and so on.
The beauty of its topography is beyond description. You are strictly advised to have an experienced guide, stay quiet, avoid making rapid movements and follow the instructions and advice given by the guide religiously. To make your adventurous experience reach its peak, you can have an elephant safari instead of a jeep safari. Doing so, you can have a much closer look at tigers.
And, the best thing about this place is that tigers are used to seeing human beings, so they don’t get angry or annoyed. And, the ideal time to visit this sanctuary is from March to May.

2. Ranthambore National Park

Ranthambore National Park, located in Rajasthan, is one of the most famous wildlife sanctuaries in India. It used to be a hunting spot where the Rajputana royalty enjoyed hunting. These days, this nature reserve houses innumerable dangerous animals like Royal Bengal Tigers, Indian leopard, sambar, striped hyena, mugger crocodile and wild boar.
Apart from that, this sanctuary also boasts a large variety of plants, trees, reptiles and birds. Start your safari as soon as the sun comes up to see such vicious animals roam around in the forest. Moreover, to add more to your thrilling experience, go and visit the 11-century Ranthambore Fort, which is despite being in ruins has been listed as one of UNESCO World heritage sites for Hill Forts in the state of Warriors, Rajasthan.

3. Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand

Jim Corbett National Park, located in Uttarakhand, was founded in 1936 with the intention to save the endangered Royal Bengal Tigers. Its name is after the famous naturalist Jim Corbett. This lush green sanctuary has innumerable wild animals like leopards, wild elephants, birds, Himalayan Tahr and so on to boost your adventure spirit. The beauty of this marvellous jungle is looked after by rivers and ravines. You can have a safari according to your budget and interest; you can have a jeep or elephant. If you want easily Urgent Indian Visa and Indian E Visa then you have to apply through www.evisaindia.com.
So, ask your friends to join you with the same level of enthusiasm and enjoy the adventure that will raise your hair whenever you remember it in the future.

4. Gir Wildlife Sanctuary

No animal can replace the king of the Jungle, the Lion. Gir Wildlife Sanctuary is the exclusive place in India where Asiatic lions are found. So, raise your ears and gear up for the most thrilling experiences of your life by visiting one of the most popular wildlife sanctuaries in India. The jungle is located in the western Gujarati peninsula and formerly was a part of Junagarh Nawab’s private hunting grounds. You can see Asiatic lions roaming around and take a photo of them, and they don’t get aggressive, as they are used to seeing human beings in that area.
Apart from the King of the Jungle, you can see many other beautiful birds, vicious animals like hyenas, foxes, Asiatic wild ass and so on. In the forest, 523 lions, 200 species of birds, 300 leopards, 40 reptile species and amphibians live securely and peacefully. However, tourists come to visit this sanctuary mainly for Asiatic lions.

5. Sundarbans National Park

Sundarbans National Park, one of the biggest mangrove forests in the world, is worldwide for Bengal tigers. Here, you can see the harmonious relationship between nature and wildlife. Apart from Royal Bengal tigers, you can spot a large variety of reptiles including saltwater crocodile and diverse species of attractive birds. It is estimated that 400 tigers live here. it is said they tend to be more aggressive due to salty water they drink and spend time in.
You can not only hear the roars of tigers, but you can also feel the silent beauty of this mangrove forest. Other animals like King crabs, Olive Ridley, Turtles, Batagur Baska and the like add more to the charm of this famous Indian sanctuary. Furthermore, the peace comes from seeing the Siberian Ducks is beyond description.
You and your friends can also see other interesting animals like giant lizards, crocodiles, jungle fowl, deer and wild cow here. the best time to visit Sundarbans Wildlife Sanctuary is from September to March.
Let’s sum up
This purpose of writing this blog is to familiarize you with the top 5 wildlife sanctuaries in India. Our list of best 5 thrilling wildlife sanctuaries in India comprises Sundarbans, Gir, Jim Corbett, Ranthambore and Bandhavgarh.
So, if you are looking for the ultimate adventurous experience of your life, then visit India by applying for an Indian visa. You can apply for an Indian e-tourist visa online and receive its electronic form on your provided email address.
If you have anything to ask, contact us with any hesitation.
submitted by etavisa123 to u/etavisa123 [link] [comments]

Translating inspiration styleboards into a wearable wardrobe (with examples!)

Have you meticulously curated a Pinterest board or folder of photos for fashion inspiration and absolutely love the aesthetic you’ve found, but realized that all the outfits in the photos are too impractical to directly translate to your lifestyle?
You can still definitely infuse your own wardrobe (or start a new one, if you're in the process of doing an overhaul) with some fantasy style. Just because you need or want a smaller capsule wardrobe doesn't mean it needs to be full of white button-down shirts, black trousers, nude pumps, and LBDs.
Focusing on building a wardrobe rather than constructing as many individual outfits to be as evocative of the theme as humanly possible makes the style more wearable and easier to integrate with other sorts of pieces that are either more minimal and casual or of another style.
There is a FAQ after the examples discussing a few things like “Do I need to have just one style? Do I need to define my style(s) to Fashion properly?”
Edited again on 7/16 to clean up formatting and add more detail, after a detour of the post getting removed by automod because I accidentally added a url-shortened youtube link.
Now with downloadable pdf version of this guide (sans the examples because then it would be 50 pages with all the photos, but I've updated to include some small written examples at each section)! Thanks u/katie-didnot for suggesting I make one.

What this is

This is a pretty long post, but I hope that this guide can give anyone who feels lost trying to pull the aesthetic of a more fantastical inspiration boards into their actual outfits without feeling like they’re wearing a half-assed cosplay a detailed framework and concrete examples to help make that happen.
I enjoy making inspo boards and sometimes come up with wardrobes for them. Sometimes it’s an entirely virtual wardrobe, sometimes I like to see what I can come up with just from my existing closet, and sometimes I want to change up my style a little and will get more things.
These are the sorts of things that I look for when analyzing any inspiration board. I find that for so many things in life, starting from a checklist can help a lot. Since this is a creative endeavor, there are a lot of ways you could do this. If you have another method that works for you, I’d love to hear about it in the comments! I personally love organization, structure, lists, that sort of thing, so this way has worked well for me.

What this is not

Magic – If you want to look like you're wearing super dramatic period pieces or extravagant costumes in your inspiration board, but don't actually want to wear literally these things, you are not going to look exactly like the original board. We're still going to end up with an interpretation, not a direct "how to cop this exact look" outfit.
A shopping guide – Items shown were selected purely on visual merits and from coming from stores that provided clear stock photos for illustration purposes.
A complete wardrobe overhaul guide – See the guide from the sidebar for great advice on how to go about that. I also recommend reading “The Curated Closet” by Anuschka Rees which is what the sidebar guide is based on. A lot of this post has roots in the methods from the book, though I’ve emphasized what I’ve personally found helpful as well as added content including some outfit styling tips. The book goes over a lot more areas related to wardrobe overhauls, such as learning how to shop mindfully and evaluate clothing fit, as well as going into more detail on things that are just briefly discussed here, such as closet composition.
Examples attempt to be somewhat comprehensive in broad categories of clothing but are not aiming for 100% coverage of clothing for every activity life could throw at you.
A gold standard for inspiration albums. I do include some boards because that’s the whole starting point, but the focus on this was more on the process of distilling a style based on looking at elements like fabrics and cuts and not how to make a great album featuring a diversity of bodies and designers. I was also lazy and didn’t copy all the individual images into an imgur album (just a shot of the whole board), but if you’re doing a standalone inspiration post you should do that because then people can see the images more easily.

Distill the elements of your inspiration board

When taking notes for this section, avoid vague terms like “ethereal” or “1970s”. Go for concrete details like “low square necklines” or “monochrome tie-dye”. You can use the more vague terms to group details together, but most of the list should be things that you can literally search for online, or something that is an instantly identifiable property of an item.
What are the recurring visual elements in the style board?
Since you’re going through all this because most of the items in the board aren’t directly wearable for your lifestyle, you want to start off looking at more basic properties of the style. For example, it’s easier to look for something if you’re looking for a “light colored longline wool(-blend) coat with faux fur collacuffs” than “something that feels like a snow queen would wear it”.
What makes this distinct from other similar styles?
What subset of the visual elements should we focus on to keep the style intent more obvious? Thinking about what not to include can be as helpful for keeping the style distinct as what to include.
For example, if you have a “queen of the night” board and decided you will be wearing all black, how will you keep your look distinct from other commonly black monochrome aesthetics? You could note to avoid denim and t-shirts (especially together), and to try and avoid completely unembellished outfits (the queen of the night is not a ninja).

Note requirements of your lifestyle

What constraints does your lifestyle put on your wardrobe? E.g. Is this capsule for work, weekends, or both? Are you in a business casual office? Have an active job? Bike commute? What’s your tolerance for fussing with clothes? Is dry cleaning okay? Do you go clubbing? Attend operas? How often? Do you have fluffy pets that shed a lot? Young children?
Note hard requirements to put on clothes based on these lifestyle. E.g. no fabrics that collect or show lint easily, machine-washable and dryable fabrics only, only items that have enough stretch you can bend over and do squats easily, nothing that requires special undergarments to look nice, long sleeves must be able to be pushed up, no skirts or pants that drag on the ground, nothing that requires a very specific kind of tuck to look nice.
You can keep some distinction for special occasion clothes, but be realistic. If you are at work or at home or doing something active outdoors 97% of the time, if you want to minimize the number of items which collect dust in your closet, aim to buy everything to fit into your criteria.
Write that all down.

Identify specific items make the biggest impact

What specific pieces do you think would make the biggest impact for this style? These will likely be more distinct types of clothing (e.g. flare pants, military style jackets, wide-brimmed hats) that appear in multiple images, or a detail (e.g. plaid fabric, embroidery) that appears in multiple pieces.
Be specific but not so specific you have no hope for finding the item at all lest you get it custom made. Think along the lines of detail in “plaid wide-leg or loose tapered trousers” or “heavy boots with a lot of hardware”. Write down anything you think could work, and note whether there’s a range of colors you’d like to find it in, or are set on finding it in a specific color.
For any pieces that do not work with the list of lifestyle requirements, try and think of a similar item that still has the same feeling. For example, if your board has lots of people wearing pointed toe stilettos but you don’t wear heels, you could add leather pointed toe flats or boots. Sometimes there might not be any obvious toned-down version for an item, but that’s okay. There are so many dimensions of style to work with that you can always incorporate something else.

How do you actually find stuff once you have a list?

This is a bit of an art, and it’s a combination of knowing the pure elements you want and finding some brands that tend to make that style.
It generally helps to know more fashion vocab, so you can search particular shops or on Etsy or ebay. The easiest way to do this is to image search for “types of { collars / sleeves / skirts / etc }” and take a look at some infographics.
If you have no idea what shop to start with, use the shopping tab on Google or search in shopping aggregators like Lyst.
If you find one brand that fits the style, find their Instagram and see if they follow similar brands. If they have a hashtag on instagram, see what other brand hashtags people who wear that brand use.
Err towards looking at a lot of stuff and bookmarking it and filtering things down later. If the style you're chasing is incredibly specific, it's unlikely you'll find a brand that caters to it exactly.

Building a well-rounded wardrobe

As you’re looking for new pieces, consider the role each item plays in an outfit. Is it more of a statement or a base piece? Is it a shirt/bottom/outerweashoe/etc? Is that a niche that is filled in the items you have already?
Try and fill out categories of clothing evenly. If you have 10 items of new style that you’re mixing with 50 items of your old style but 7 of the new items are blouses in the same color family, that’s probably not going to make as much of an impact as if you had a few bottoms, a piece of outerwear, a pair of shoes, and some accessories mixed in.

Notes on color palettes

In my opinion, keeping a limited color palette is the easiest way to get a cohesive feel in a wardrobe that may otherwise be eclectic. A limited color palette doesn’t necessarily mean a neutral palette. You can pick neons and cool neutrals, colors that remind you of a tropical vacation…. you name it. Just keep constraints on some dimensions of the color.
Color can also be used to create a sense of variety in a smaller wardrobe. To create more depth in the capsule using color, you can include at least one color each that’s dark, medium, and light value.
Check that the color variety isn’t just in one category of your wardrobe. Try and have as much of your palette as possible in each category (i.e. if all your tops are colorful but all the bottoms are dark, that still won’t feel like much variety).

Integrating a new style into your existing wardrobe

It’s fine to keep items for this new style as a separate mini capsule within your wardrobe. But if you want to be able to integrate them without looking too eclectic, I recommend sitting down with the list of key items you've identified and a shortlist of your most-worn clothing (a simple paper list or spreadsheet with one column per clothing category works great) and considering how things could work together in different combinations. e.g. if you are deciding what type or color of top you could get, think about whether it would work with at least 3/5 of your most-worn bottoms.
Depending on your wardrobe, the style you’re trying to add, and what level of eclecticness you’re cool with, tasteful integration with your current wardrobe may not be feasible and you may want to just keep the new style as a small capsule within the rest of your wardrobe.
Definitely don't buy a new wardrobe in a month! Start with getting a few items (I'm talking like, 2-3 things) and see how you feel from there. Again, if you’re doing a wardrobe overhaul, the guide in the sidebar outlines some advice for that excellently.

Finding a balance of wearability and drama in outfits

We’re essentially aiming to half-ass the style on the original board. But to look intentional, half-ass it evenly in the whole outfit. Keep the parts of the outfit at similar levels of formality. Items don’t have to be exactly the same level of extra, but it will look more cohesive if they are all about one level of formality of each other.
Zoe Hong’s video “How to Design From Runway to Real Life” (being extra careful not to offend the AutoMod again with a shortened link – her channel is youtube.com/zoehongteaches) goes over a lot of elements that can make things more or less wearable. It’s written with an audience of design students in mind rather than consumers, but the concepts are all solid. Formality of clothes in women’s fashion is much less clear cut than in men’s fashion, but generally fabric will determine a lot of it. i.e. Just because it’s a dress doesn’t mean it’s formal. A stretchy knit cotton sundress is less formal than a cotton poplin sundress, and a dress in the same cut with tiers of eyelet lace would be more festive.
If you’re going to err towards more disparate levels of extra in the items used in one outfit, I find that grounding the look (literally) with shoes that have visual interest often makes the whole thing look more intentional. Doesn’t mean you have to wear bedazzled heels, but the shoes should have visual weight and contribute to the style of the outfit. For example, flat leather oxfords, pointed toe boots, or chunky strap flatform sandals all have more visual interest than your standard pair of low-profile black sneakers or flip flops but are still being wearable relative to a lot of the shoes you find in Pinterest outfits.
Another method that you can try is rather than starting with a plain outfit and swapping in or adding more fanciful pieces, you can initially go all out with the look and then remove (or swap out for a more low-key version) a few accessories or base items until you feel comfortable.


Let's actually see how we can draw the rest of the owl.
I included three examples. The first is more on the extreme side in terms of starting point and endpoint because I feel that makes for a clearer example. It’s a complete but small wardrobe and the outfits are shown as polyvore style collages because I obviously am not going to actually buy a wardrobe's worth of stuff for a reddit post.
The latter two are like the FFA Inspo Album Starter Pack (I mean that as a term of endearment) and use items that are a subset of my actual wardrobe. The first one is more of an “I don’t want to go through this whole damn list exactly step by step, but I can more or less get the idea” example. I generally follow this process when doing my own wardrobe remixes now that I've done it so much I don't need a literal checklist, but in the last example I really go all out picking apart the board details just to show the kinds of things you can notice and decide whether to incorporate into your own look.
I chose more popular ones because since these are the sorts of styles I’ve seen a lot of inspo posts for over the past few years, I’m familiar with, and I could actually put some outfits together with using mostly stuff I had already. If you’ve got your own board and a list of some items you decided to get based on it, I’d love to see them!

Example 1: Victorian garden party, but make it athleisure

When your inner self is eating muffins and sipping tea with the characters of The Importance of Being Earnest but you work from home and are very active and have no tolerance for any sort of clothing that doesn't have high stretch.
This one just uses stock photos but I did collage the stock photos into outfits to give a better idea of how they could go together.

Recurring Elements

Distinguish from other styles

There’s going to be a fair amount of overlap with any sort of aggressively soft and feminine style, but to give the wardrobe a bit more focus, we can decide on some things we are not going to include in order to reduce elements that may skew it in other directions.

Misc notes

I actually started out focusing on creams, pinks, and purples, but realized it would read a bit too “gendered childrens clothing line”, so I decided to add the blues and greens.
Another thing I did here to keep things simpler was limiting the floral prints to accessories and bottoms, but avoiding tops. I felt that floral tops was the more pedestrian choice (I’m being DRAMATIC and CREATIVE here), so I limited it to pants and accessories. I think this also makes it easier to mix-and-match because you rarely have to worry about clashing prints if they’re all in pants.

Specific things to look for

In this example since I decided to stick to athleisure it was simple enough to just search for floral prints and colors within the palette. For accessories I wanted to include some more direct references, so I looked into straw and canvas bags, a wide-brimmed hat, and a porcelain tea set inspired water bottle.

Example 2: Your basic witch

This is basically the recurring summer goth/witch themed inspo that pops up periodically.
Here tbh I just got lazy but figured it would be good to have one shorter and less “Are you crazy?? Who’s gonna go through all these steps and detail????” example anyway.
Looking at the inspo board on Pinterest (or a screenshot of it on imgur), we can see it’s a pretty traditional dramatic romantic goth sort of style with all black, with a bent towards a medieval historical style rather than more punk-y goth.
Say we’re starting with a casual wardrobe that’s mostly black already, but is pretty plain so no one would take a look and be like “YES this definitely has low-key witchy vibes.”
If the spring/summer basics are basic black denim shorts, jeans, and a jersey maxi skirt, plain sandals, and boots and I don’t really want to go full out queen-of-the-night-wears-valentino because I like stretch skirts and denim, then the place to try and incorporate the style would be in tops and accessories.
If I have the 3 bottoms mentioned above that I want to incorporate and get 2 more fun and themed (i.e. more elaborate or sheer fabrics, or silhouettes with dramatic poofy sleeves and/or severe medieval dress style square necklines) tops that go with all of them, then that’s 6 outfits and if you’re only wearing these on weekends that’s already a great set to work with, especially if you add options for accessories. You can have a lot of fun with a particular style even if you don’t have a giant collection of items for it.
The most obvious accessories to add would be a black wide-brimmed hat and a purse that has more elaborate details on it. Silver-toned boho jewelry would also work, as well as some more fashion-y sunglasses (e.g. circle style or cat-eye style instead of aviator).
I also shamelessly love witchy styles. This year I decided I think the more maximalist version is a lot more fun than the minimal sack-dress woodsy style, so I got 2 tops that were more on theme. I wanted to get more feeling of variety so I got a long sleeved off the shoulder blouson sleeve top and a square-neck sleeveless crop top. I think a lace-up corset closure would be more on-theme than a zipper, but I’ve tried lace-up styles before and I personally don’t like wearing them. I like how this top is reminiscent of stays (as in the corset-like things) but the zipper keeps it from being too ren faire anyway. (I already had a black sun hat).
Et voila, a few outfits.. More obviously inspired by the board than a black ribbed tank top and the same bottoms, but also wearable in a casual setting.

Example 3: 1920s-1940s adventurer style

You know those posts. The perennial Indiana Jones / Lara Croft inspired posts.
Inspiration, items and outfits: Imgur (more details on how I chose items and put together outfits in the album). Pinterest (just inspo).

Recurring Elements

TLDR: earth-toned vintage military-inspired style with a relaxed but practical feel.

Specific items and styling details that could work

For modern looks, a balance between vintage-inspired and modern. If pants are more modern (e.g. plain trousers vs pleated trousers), pair with a more old-timey top. If the top and bottom could be just any old outfit, add a hat + statement vintage shoes.

Distinguish from other styles

So at a certain level of dilution, any original inspo can and will read more vaguely. But some things to think about:


Questions no one has actually asked me, since I obviously just posted this, but which I've seen cropping up periodically on FFA.
Cool, now I can dress like a Tolkien elf / sci-fi villain at my new job at the law firm?
If part of your job description involves wearing a literal uniform for safety/practicality or looking as close to some conservative industry standard as possible, it's probably in your best interest from a career perspective to stick to reserve your creative outfits for the weekend.
There was one true corporate goth “Dark Goddess of the Cubicle Farm” (sadly since deleted) which actually attempted to be fully business casual compliant, and the top comment was basically "that just looks like business casual with small goth details?" That’s the point! There’s a spectrum on how hard you can lean into a style. You can incorporate a small flavor of it, or a lot. Your clothes don’t have to be a 100% reflection of WHO YOU REALLY ARE INSIDE every day. Just have fun with it how you can.
Do I need to have just one style? Do I need to define my style(s) to Fashion properly?
No, only if you think it will be fun or that having a more cohesive wardrobe will make getting dressed easier for you. Even if you find it helpful to define your style, it doesn’t have to be like, “Atlantic storm goddess who is trying to pass as a schoolteacher in 1940s NYC”. Something like “I like things that are more minimal and structured for my business casual clothes” or “girly-leaning grunge” can also work.
You could still apply the process I outlined here. I just chose more sartorially weird examples because I think most people have a better sense of how to find items that were inspired by things that are obvious to find in mall stores, but it isn't always obvious how to do that if you're starting with movie costume or couture inspo.
Having a sort of mission statement for your wardrobe that you can come back to when shopping or deciding what you need to get rid of can help keep all your pieces more cohesive, which will make creating intentional-looking outfits easier. If you don’t care about having a cohesive outfit or wardrobe, there is no reason to do this. But many people find having some kind of cohesive look aesthetically pleasing and comforting.
You also don't need just one style! I don't militantly stick to one style, but I still like to come up with capsules within my wardrobe that fit more specific aesthetics. You could also have one main style so that most of your clothes will look fine together that you defined based off an intensely-curated Pinterest board, and then the other 20% is just whatever you thought looked nice. Or maybe 80% of your clothes is just whatever you thought looked nice and could wear to work, but you have a small capsule of going-out clothes with a strong aesthetic. Whatever floats your boat.
Why does FFA have a childish obsession with shoving their wardrobes into overly specific style buckets?
Because it's a way that people can have fun with clothes. Let 👏 people 👏 like 👏 things
Seriously though, it's an online forum. You're gonna get the people who are really extra into things.
But why witches??
There was a whole thread on that
All My Previous Inspiration Albums:Gratuitousself-promotion
Storybook style | Geology | Pirate | Ocean | Dragons and Knights | Dessert | Desert | UFO Corporate | Wearable Witch | Mushroom and Lichen | Non-floral Botanical | Circus
submitted by pygoscelis to femalefashionadvice [link] [comments]

Know About Kanha National Park

Know About Kanha National Park
Kanha National Park is nestled in the Maikal range of Satpuras in Madhya Pradesh, the heart of India that forms the central Indian highlands.The national park is being popularized as the Tiger reserve and interestingly is being declared as one of the finest wildlife areas in the world. Spreading across two revenue districts the Mandala and the Kalaghat, Kanha National Park was declared a reserve forest in 1879 and revalued as a wildlife sanctuary in 1933. Its position was further upgraded to a national park in 1955.

The Kanha National Park is spread across the area of 940 sq km in the Maikal chain of hills. By bringing up the buffer and core zone all together, the Kanha Tiger Reserve has the total area of 1945 sq km.

The landscapes and the surrounding luxurious meadows along with the wooded strands and the dense maroons of forests offer magnanimous sightseeing experiences for the nature lovers. Making the land more beautiful and adorable, the crystal clear streams amidst the dense jungle cleanses the surroundings and makes the wildlife unrivalled. This vivacious land has been the source of inspiration for Rudyard Kipling, a famous writer for his outstanding creation- “The Jungle Book”.

The Kanha Tiger Sightings is the ideal home for wide ranges of wild creatures; right from the mighty tigers to the most populated Barasingha and the countless species of plants, birds, reptiles and insects. This reserve has fascinated many travelers around the corners of the world with its well developed infrastructure specially meant for them. The best location here to enjoy the most is the Bammi Dadar, also known as the Sunset Point.

Barasingha At Kanha National Park
Jungle Safari in Kanha
A trip to Kanha Reserve directly takes you to the widespread arena of the lush habitat of wild creatures. With elephant and jeep safari an encounter to all these species is really generous and worthwhile. With jungle safari you can take a closer look to the wild animals and can capture their magnanimous images in your cameras.

  • Jeep Safari At Kanha
Jeep safaris keep one of the adventure and provide the flexibility to explore especially those places, which are difficult to travel via any other mode of transportation.
Open Jeep safaris are the best way to observe wildlife at the thick & lush green forest of Kanha National Park. For the most bewildering safari moments, Its also coolest option to observe the wilderness of Kanha very closely and clearly. The 04*04 Open Jeep with the group of tourists is allowed in the park vicinity at fixed timings along with the company of an experienced naturalist.
The jeep has to follow a fixed route and leave the park by the end of the appointed time. Many popular wildlife experts and wildlife photographers have observed and photographed the largest cat family member of Kanha National Park by doing jeep safaris. Since the jeeps follow fixed routes, the animals are not unduly disturbed.

  • Elephant Safari
To bring more excitement to your safari tour, the jungle officials have managed the well maintained regular tiger tour on the back of the elephant inside the tourism zone so you can have all the pretty sights on your way to the Kanha trip. The elephant safari in Kanha ensures a safe and hassle free journey to the wildlife at the serene jungle.
Elephant safari help the visitors to access the places inside the park which is not accessible by jeeps. The most easiest and common way to enjoy elephant safari is to involve yourself in a Tiger Show program. Tiger Show is a program organized after successful sighting of Tiger by trackers on elephants. Tiger Show can be done during Morning Safari only. During Tiger Show, at a time up to 04 people are taken close to tiger and shown from elephant back for 10 to 15 minutes.

Safari Timings Of Kanha National Park

Kanha Tiger Sightings

Places To Visit Near Kanha National Park

Bandhavgarh National Park -
Located 250 kms away from Kanha Reserve the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve is the area which is best known for the great population of tigers in India. Bandhavgarh area is also the perfect home for the rare species of white tigers, which was once the hunting reserve for the Maharaja of Rewas. One can also find the famous Bandhavgarh Fort to highlight the historic legends of the prehistoric era and to witness large number of tiger species at the fort.

Pench National Park -
The Pench National Park is known for being the better half of Kipling's imagination when he visited two of these places in his tour to India to discover India wildlife. 357 kms away from Kanha National Park, the area of Pench is nestled at the southern ranges of Satpura Hills bordering Maharashtra to cover the area of 758 sq km. the area of Pench offers the Kipling Country Tour and tiger tour to get acquainted with the Kipling's world of creativity in the natural surroundings of the reserve.

Jabalpur -
This is the city of multi-colored marble rocks and many historical forts & artifacts can be found at the surroundings of the natural beauty. Jabalpur, the third largest city of Madhya Pradesh showcases the cultural part of the state and is best known as the "land of the Gondwanas". Quite closer to Bandhavgarh, the tourists can get to know about the cultural assets along with the wildlife wanders in the form of Khajuraho Group of temples, Balancing Rock, Chausathyogini Temple, Mandla Fort and more.

Tadoba National Park -
This reserve is best known as the oldest national park in Maharashtra, quite closer to the border area of MP and closer to Kanha Reserve, the Tadoba National Park is being stretched across 120 sq km area at an altitude of 200 m. The wildlife enthusiasts can find this place as much as heaven and have christened this place as the 'jewel of Vidarbha'. The name Tadoba has been extracted from the local deity of Gond tribes as 'Taru' who was killed in an epic fight with tiger. One of India's 28 tiger reserve Tadoba consists of variety of wild creatures including around 50 tigers and other rare wild species.

Do's and Don’ts (Key Tips For National Park Visitors)

  • Drive slowly in the Park so that you can see observes and enjoy without disturbing the wildlife.
  • Keep in the specified roads and trails driving off trails you may trample growing trees and cause disturbance to resting animals and their young.
  • Respect the wild animals and maintain a safe distance from them remember you are in their home and they get the first priority.
  • Keep seated in your vehicle at any points in the park it is dangerous to get down. This for your own safety and the safety of wildlife.
  • Do not disappoint if you don’t see a tiger. There are many other interesting creatures that are to be seen and cherished.
  • The Park is not zoo: so don’t expect to see wildlife everywhere. Kanha National Park is breathtaking even in its scenery.
  • Keep the park pollution free. While inside the park please put your non-biodegradable litter (thin cans, plastic, glass bottle, metal foils etc.) into the bag provided and dispose of it on your way out.
  • Please obtain services of Nature Guides that the park has trained for your benefit. They are great help to you in sporting wildlife and ensuring that you not to lose your way in forest.
  • Do not smoke or light campfires in the forest. Accidental fires can destroy this wonderful jungle in no time.

Kanha National Park
Travel Information About Kanha
Kanha brings the best destination for the wildlife lovers especially during the months from October to June. Being the central highlands of the Indian tropical zone, Kanha Reserve brings the most fascinating jungle tour to catch the glimpses of the rare wild creatures like Barasingha, wild Dog and Indian tiger.

Best Time to Visit Kanha National Park
Every year Kanha National Park is open for visitors from the 15th of October to till 30th of June. As per the climate of Central part of India, the peak season for Kanha National Park is during winters, say October to March. Most of the tourists visit the park between November and March, mainly because the summer’s heat is unbearable. The period between November and February is excellent for visiting Kanha national park as the rain fall during monsoon rejuvenated all the nature & vegetation. Particularly this period is best for bird watching. A lot of migratory birds visit the park during the winter months. During the time period from March to May most of the vegetation at Kanha National Park gets dried & Tiger Sighting is relatively easier than it is in winters. The month of March is the best month for wildlife viewing and the temperature is not very high however Months of April & May provide a great & almost sure opportunity to Wildlife Photographers specially who are looking for some rare photographs of the largest member of cat family.

How To Reach Kanha National Park

By Road:
Kanha National Park is well connected from the major destinations of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra & Chhattisgarh. Distance of Kanha National Park from some nearby destinations & approximate driving time is:

By Train:
The Nearest Railway Stations for accessing Kanha National Park is Gondia & Jabalpur. Gondia railway station is 145kms / 03:00 hrs drive from Kanha (Khatia Entrance Gate). Jabalpur railway station is 160kms / 04:00 hrs drive from Kanha (Mukki Entrance Gate)

By Air:
The Nearest Airport for Kanha National Park are Jabalpur 160 Kms, Raipur 250 Kms & Nagpur 300 Kms.

Climate and Weather Conditions of Kanha National Park
Kanha National Park has a remarkable variation in the climate but generally is tropical and the summer temperatures are exceeded up to 43 Degree Celsius. The wonderful monsoons welcome you from the month of June to September and the winters are truly scenic during the months of November to the end of March, the days are beautiful, crunchy and sunny in the month of October and March.

Altitude- The altitude of the park ranges from about 600 m (1900 ft.) at Kanha Village to 870 m (2900 ft.) at Bamhni Dadar

Summers- extreme- hot and dry (April-June) – max temperature- 43° C

Monsoons- mid June-September – average rainfall- 1800 mm

Winters- quite cold (Nov- Feb) and frost covers the meadows- min temp – 2° C

Things to Carry
During the winter season beginning from November to February end necessary to carry warm clothing, jackets, gloves, mufflers etc as the morning open jeep safari drives can be freezing cold. During the summer months – from April to June the weather is hot therefore loose light colored cotton clothing is recommended with the clear-cut inclusion of a cap and Sun glasses. Sunscreen lotions are necessary in summers (April to June) when the sun is very strong. Light clothing is recommended for the months of October and March as the days tend to be warm. Bright colors can disturb the animals therefore clothes should ideally be in muted jungle shades of beige, brown, green and such like, preferably neutral and earth colored clothes. Binoculars and Cameras are a great advantage in the forest while doing safaris. Must carry Binocular and Camera with extra batteries and film rolls.

Kanha National Parks Recent Sightings
Make Your Kanha Safari Unforgettable With WildTrails?

WildTrails provides an easy way of seeing all possible wildlife trips for some of the top exotic wildlife destinations across the world [Currently Supporting India, Kenya & Tanzania] with an end-to-end trip right from your flights, to wildlife resorts to wildlife safaris to pickup/drops from local airports to even local experiences & that you probably don’t want to miss including 16-hr support via direct chat with our world-class support staff via our App or WhatsApp (in the event of any delays or last-minute issues to any general queries about your plan or destination).

WildTrails uses the network of best tiger tracker experts associated with the particular zone of the park.

WildTrails is the world’s first and only company to bring Sightings Data, analytics into planning Wildlife holidays. WidTrails have all the sightings info (4 years data) to create a predictive metric called the sighting index.

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  • Kabini
  • Nagarahole national park
  • Bandipur National park
  • Bandhavgarh National Park
  • Kaziranga National Park
  • Ranthambore National park
  • Thadoba Andhari tiger reserve
  • Gir Forest National park
  • Jim-Corbett National park
  • Pench Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Kanha National Park & Many more

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  • Masai Mara National Reserve
  • Naivasha National Park,
  • Serengeti National Park & Others

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submitted by ItsSteveMark to u/ItsSteveMark [link] [comments]

[Saturday, June 9 2018] Chinese hackers 'steal US navy data on undersea warfare and supersonic missiles'; A&W Canada to eliminate plastic straws from all restaurants; Honeybees can conceive and interpret zero; Two new solar systems have been found relatively close to our own

note: this is the real Saturday June 9th post. The other one was for June 8th, which i posted after midnight my time and forgot to update the date stamp. apologies for any confusion!



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Something New

Everyday we’ll feature a selected small subreddit and its top content. It's a fun way to include and celebrate smaller subreddits.

Today's subreddit is...


Its top 3 all time posts
submitted by kaunis to tldr [link] [comments]




A visit to the tourism of Gujarat and an attendant look into the wildlife sanctuaries of Gujarat offers a golden chance to the traveller and also the interested someone to explore the wild wastes and also the rough, hilly billy terrains of Gujarat, situated in India. Tourism of Gujarat offers information that Gujarat is emblematically known for its wildlife icon of Lions that are found in the Gir reserve and happen to be a major draw for tourists in Gujarat, located in India. Tourism of Gujarat offers an immense amount of information about wildlife wealth contained in the National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Bird Sanctuaries of Gujarat, located in India. Tourism of Gujarat offers information that Sasangir National Park, Marine National Park, Velavadar Blackbuck Sanctuary and Jessore Sloth Bear Sanctuary, are some of the refuges provided to the wildlife wealth in Gujarat, India. Sasangir National Park is located at a distance of 64 kilometres from the city of Junagadh, located in Gujarat, India. Sasangir, located in Gujarat, India, is the other name for the Gir National Park, which is home to the endangered Asiatic Lion, which was 239 in number in 1985 though awareness about them was inculcated pretty early. Striped hyena, jackal, common langur, porcupine and blackbuck are the other animals, which can be found in this sanctuary. Gujarat, all in all, has a rich collection of thriving wildlife, which makes the National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, important sightseeing and travel destinations. A visit to Tourism of Gujarat offers travel tour booking and travel packages to wildlife centres in Gujarat, located in India.
submitted by templetour to u/templetour [link] [comments]

Friday Spotlight: cPharoah

It's Friday. It's Spotlight time. Let's get down to business!
Today's featured athlete is a person I've been lucky enough to get to know a bit outside of just /running. She's got a quick wit to match her growing list of abilities and she's not afraid to use it. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for this week's highlighted runner... cPharoah!
Let's do this.

The Runner:

First Name?
Where are you from?
Originally Pennsylvania, but currently stuck in good ole Alabama for the past five years (undergrad & grad school).
Currently a graduate student & teaching assistant in anthropology. In theory, when I graduate, I’ll go work for the National Parks Service (doing archaeology things) or go do GIS analysis in some office somewhere.

Running Q&A's:

What are your PR’s?
  • 1 mile: 6:18
  • 5k: 22:04 (hopefully breaking this over thanksgiving!)
  • Half Marathon: 1:39
  • Marathon: 4:30ish (set during 12 hour race)
  • 50k: 5:30 is (set during 12 hour race)
  • 50 miles: 9:36ish (set during 12 hour race)
What is your distance PR?
58.986 miles, from my 12 hour race a couple weeks ago.
What’s your highest recorded weekly mileage?
I hit 92 miles during the last ARTC Super Week, and I think I’d like to do a 100 mile week in the wintespring this year. If I hadn’t gone out one night during Super Week (and ended up hungover the next day and not doubling), I could have definitely hit 100.
What’s your comfy pace?
It was around 9:30 during the summer heat and humidity, but it’s getting closer to the 8:45-9:00 range now that the weather is getting cooler.
How long have you been running?
I started couch to 5k in May 2016, but took a month off when I went to Romania, so I didn’t finish it until August 2016. In my mind, that’s when my real “running” started.
Tell us why you began running?
Running has always been a big thing in my family. My mom, aunt, and uncle all run or coach. My mom and aunt have done Boston a couple times, and one of my earliest memories is standing at the finish line at the Boston Marathon, waiting for my mom and wondering why there was a man lying on the ground covered in a shiny silver blanket, puking his guts up. My uncle ran track and XC in college, and now coaches a pretty good high school team nearby. My mom tried to get me and my sister into running when we were in middle and high school, but I always felt like I had so much to live up to and that I’d be awful and let everyone down. So I stuck to swimming. After I graduated undergrad, I felt like such a big out-of-shape potato, so I decided to give running a shot. It stuck! I hate talking about running with my family though. My mother is convinced that anyone above the age of 50 shouldn’t be running anything longer than a half marathon, and she also thinks I’m going to seriously injure myself, that run streaks are bad, and that I run way way too much. My uncle just gives me shit about how much faster he is. When he found out I got a new half marathon PR, his response was “Well, mine’s still 30 minutes faster. Got a long ways to go!”. So while it’s common ground that I have with a lot of family members, it’s definitely something I like to keep personal.
Most memorable running moment?
Probably the last ~30 minutes of my 12 hour, when I started running fast and realized I was going to win. It hurt real bad and I don’t think I’ve ever felt that bad ass in my whole life. It was pitch black and I was just running as fast as I could, could barely even breathe, waiting to hear the horn blow and wanting it to be over SO BADLY so I could finally be done.
Do you have a running mantra?
Recently, I’ve just been chanting over and over in my head, “this is fun. I’m having fun.” or some variation of that. One trail race where we were constantly going over big ass rocks, I kept yelling “rocks are fun!”, and probably annoying everyone around me. On one race with a lot of climbing, I kept thinking in my head “hills are fun!”. I try to make myself enjoy the sucky parts and not let myself get grumpy, because I know that won’t end well for me. If I’m not enjoying myself, what’s the point?
What time of day do you prefer to run?
I used to be a big morning runner, but I’ve been really enjoying running in the early afternoon lately. I liked to run when it was the hottest during the summeearly “fall”, in hopes that I’d be getting extra benefits from learning how to deal with the heat. I’ve definitely noticed I’m able to hold a faster pace way easier if I run in the afternoon versus in the morning. I think it’s because I’m still basically asleep during my morning runs.
Any big races coming up?
Nothing super big until February. Running a 13.5 mile trail race in a couple weeks, and racing a road 5k over Thanksgiving Break. In February, I run my first official marathon (Mercedes Marathon woohoo!) and then in March I’m doing my first official 50k (Oak Mountain 50k!). I’m going to Tunnel Hill to crew/observe a friend of mine who’s running the hundred (AND I GET TO POSSIBLY ANNOY SHOES), but that’s not really MY big race, per se.
What are your short-term running goals?
Within the next year, I think I’d like to break 20 in the 5k and break my fairly soft “PR’s” in the marathon and 50k. I’d also like to try for 100 miles at EU this summer. Besides that, I think I need to concentrate on actually racing less (as opposed to the past year, where I’ve been doing a race or two every month), so I can focus on getting a decent block of steady training.
What are your long-term running goals?
Long term, I have a bunch of different goals. I’d like to qualify for Boston before I’m 30 (don’t know if I ever want to actually RUN Boston though). I want to do a 100 miler and not totally embarrass myself. I have a long list of ultras/trail races I want to race (stereotypical Western States, GDR, Leadville, Speedgoat, etc). I’m a very VERY competitive person, so I’d also like to do fairly well at some bigger races. I don’t see myself ever winning anything big, but I’d like to be able to place top 20-30%, or at least make an honest attempt. I like going fast.
What’s one piece of running advice you’d give to the younger version of yourself?
You’re not all that great at swimming. Try running. But don’t do it with mom or anyone. Once you get past the beginning sucky parts, it’s actually fun! Don’t do track, though. Short distances suck.
What is something you need to work on to become a better runner?
I think I could definitely work on my form and cadence a lot. Do more core work (as opposed to the ZERO core work I currently do). Start lifting weights again. I also need to stop only doing easy runs and start throwing some speedwork into my week on a consistent basis. The more I think about it, the more I can find to improve on. I’m never satisfied (this goes for everything in life, not just running).
What is your current shoe choice?
Road: Hoka One One Clifton 3 (this may change after the Altra Duo is released. Oh BABY it looks nice) Trail: Hoka One One Speedgoats
Trail? Road? Track? Or Treadmill?
Trail wins, hands down. If I’m pressed for time (aka, during the week), I’ll hit the roads. I don’t do a whole lot of speedwork, so I’ve only used a track like twice. I don’t know of a public-use track around where I live currently, so that’s kinda out. Oh, and fuck treadmills. I can’t run for more than a mile before I’m ready to jump off a cliff, just to put myself out of my misery.
What is your ideal running weather?
Either sunny, slightly warm, and raining or about 50 degrees and clear skies. I’m a huge wimp about the cold after living in Alabama for 5 years, and the transition back to cold weather in DecembeJanuary when I’m up in PA is always VERY tough for me.
Do you have any social media accounts you’d like to share? [Facebook, Strava, Twitter]
Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/15875698 Instagram: @claree_elizabeth Twitter (not very running related, but hey): @farrowpaceism

Just For Fun:

What’s your spirit animal?
A giraffe. When I was 3 years old, my parents lost me in the Philadelphia Zoo and found me after I crawled inside the giraffe enclosure. I’m not tall, so I don’t have that in common with them, but I tend to move around just as awkwardly.
What hobbies and interests do you have besides running?
I do various art things (pottery, printmaking, cross stitch). I also read a lot in my spare time. Grad school and running tend to occupy the majority of my free time, however, so I don’t do a lot besides those things. I’m super lame.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can make a REALLY good goat/sheep noise. I also have very hyperflexible joints, so I can do some weird, vaguely contortion-like things with my limbs. I don’t know if this counts as a “hidden” talent, but I’ve spent a lot of time studying human osteology throughout undergrad/grad school, so I can identify bone fragments fairly easily. Not the easiest party trick, however.
Biggest pet peeve?
Inconsiderate people. I know it’s not limited to this area of the country, but a lot of Southerner’s I’ve met are super inconsiderate of anyone besides themselves. I don’t necessarily go out of my way to make things easier for other people, but I make an attempt to not be a giant asshole and to be aware of other people around me. There’s a tendency to use fake “politeness” to mask blatant rudeness that really grinds my gears.
Dream job! What would it be?
Working for the National Parks Service, living on the park property, doing a mix of archaeological fieldwork and spatial data analysis. Either that or coronemedical examiner. But I really don’t want to go back to school to go to med school, so I’m leaning towards the park thing.
Favorite Quote or Poem?
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” – Theodore Roosevelt.
What is your favorite movie?
Oh man. I don’t actually really watch a lot of TV or movies (I get distracted about 15 minutes in and want to go do something else), but I guess I’d say A Knight’s Tale. Or the Princess Bride.
What is your biggest character flaw?
I’m very selfish, in the sense that I don’t like to sacrifice things I want to do just because someone else thinks I shouldn’t do it. This mainly comes up in relationships, when a guy wants me to change something about myself to suit his preferences more. I care about other people, but I put myself first. I’m also very competitive and disgustingly self-confident about things I have no business being confident about. Bit of a god complex, I guess.
What songs have you been listening to recently?
According to Spotify, my recent jams have been “Not That Girl – Ashnikko Remix” by GIRLI, “You Don’t Know About Me” by Ella Vos, “Machu Picchu” by Neon Dreams, and a whoooole lot of Metallica.
What are some of your favorite non-running subreddits?
Hmmm… probably /awfuleyebrows, /trashy, /diWHY, /anthropology, etc. I can usually find enough to amuse myself from all those. I used to be really into /makeupaddiction and similar subs, but I’m way way too lazy/don’t care enough to wear makeup 90% of the time now.

One Last Question:

What is the origin of your username?
This is super lame, but it’s basically just a mashup of my first and last name, but spelled differently. Pharoah is way cooler. And I get to pretend like I rule Egypt.
That's it folks! Have a great weekend and enjoy the miles.

Thanks for reading everyone!

Please tag cPharoah when asking a question in this thread.

Previously Featured Spotlight Runners:
Palindrome27 A-german-muffin xfkirsten PepperoniFire rennuR_liarT
Santa Claus Brwalkernc Pinkpiggie Fobo911 Kinsibit
Jaime_manger Craigster38 Despoena Philpips Brunchweasel
Chickensedan Skragen Incster Freedomweasel Jennifer1911
RedKryptonite Zebano Kevin402can Punkrock_runner ProudPatriot07
Once_a_hobby_jogger Loratliff 57001 Borichu Denovosibi
Causticwonder Dirtybritch TheRedInTheSky Aewillia Judyblumereference
Flocculus El_day2 YourShoesUntied Jeade-en Kyle-Kranz
ItsReallyReallyTrue Jangle_Bo_Jingles RichieClare sloworfast RobotPettingZoo
Runwichi Smruttkay Sacamato Kibitzor Edge767
BrianOgilvie Cromagnonized c0me_at_me_br0 Some_Other_Sherman Caitlionator
Ahf0913 Vermilionweirdo NonReligiousPopette JonnyHydra LadyMasterChemist
Polgara19 Mamabear5678 Octopifungus Barnaby_McFoo Zazzera
DAHarlow IamShartacus Mayfest Brotherbock ThePsion
Zwingtip JKrusas Usho TripleBogey25 GreatDeku
SheSaidGoodBye LeastBadOption Josandal Docbad32 Mattack73
Tipsy_Topsy SecretSexBot TheReelKanyeWest Anbu1538 Marximumrunner
OblongPlatypus Beardedtrogon TheOnlyCaveat Stan_Leeway RunningPT_Lauren
Chweris Karmicbias Miikermb ThatServer Runlowsky
Microthorpe LittleEngineThatWill Stretchy_Arms BubblesAreMyGame KoffeeKev
Lowblowlo cPharoah ???????????? ???????????? ????????????
???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ????????????
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I've been getting some more messages recently from a lot of people asking to be featured in the Friday Spotlight Thread. My response to them is the same every time. I do not get to personally choose who is chosen for each thread. With exception to Palindrome27 (which I randomly chose to get this started), every runner thus far has been selected by the person before them. It's one of the perks of getting nominated. There is no list of names. No spreadsheet with columns of people. Nothing. So for those confused, users like Philpips was chosen by Despoena. Despoena was chosen by Craigster38. So on and so on. You get the idea. Doing it this way eliminates the hassle of having to personally pick someone every week. This keeps me neutral. Some of you have expressed your opinion (via PM) on who's been featured this far claiming that I have only chosen runners who are fast, have been running for a while, or compete in longer distance races. Quite frankly, you're wrong. Just browse the table of previous athletes above and you'll see that a wide variety of runners have been on display. Being chosen is simply luck of the draw. There is zero favoritism here. Each featured runner gets to personally pick someone they find interesting. I apply no pressure to the runners to pick a particular skill level of runner. This is the beauty of the process. If you want to be featured, you can up your chances of being chosen by being an active member of the subreddit. Comment as much as possible. Submit quality content. Provide as much as you can as a runner to help keep this community growing and I'm certain your efforts will not go unnoticed. Just keep tuning in and making friends and eventually it'll pay off if you want to be featured. Thank you.
submitted by YourShoesUntied to running [link] [comments]

which animal found in gir national park video

Pangolin in India  Gir forest national park Forest ... Never seen Before  Two Gir Lioness Caught in Action By ... Rare Animals in Mudumalai National Park മുതുമല കാട്ടിലെ ... Asiatic Lion 10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica - YouTube Final Battle of the Lion King in Kruger National Park ... CREEPY ENCOUNTER While Searching For A Missing Person In ... Gir Forest National Park : 15 Unusual Animal Friendships ... #241 where found this kind of loin?,gir national park ... Gir Forest National Park Hindi National Geographic ...

The main attraction in the Gir National Park is the Asiatic Lions. Besides lion, various types of wild animals, birds, reptiles are found in Gir forest. The rusty spotted cat has been recorded in the Gir……………. Human animal conflict has become a critical issue at the Gir National Park and Sanctuary of Gujarat which constitutes the only landscape where the end Though the Gir National Park is famous for the majestic Asiatic lion population, it is also home to numerous other wild animals. You can spot many carnivorous animals, such as leopard, sloth bear, jackal, hyena and wild cat in the park. Total area covered by Sasan Gir National Park - 1413 sq.kms. The most famous element of the park - the endangered Asiatic Lions As per the Lion Census 2010, the number of lions present in Gir - 411 total lions, 152 cubs, 162 females and 97 males. Animals : The entire forest area of the Gir National Park is dry and deciduous which provides best habitat for Asiatic Lions. As per the new statics of 2015, the entire Saurashtra Region is inhabited by 523 Lions and more than 300 Leopards. In all bird species, the peafowls is highly common bird of Gir. Sightseeing In Sasan Gir National Park: When you start your wildlife exploration in Sasan Gir National Park, it will take you to get amazed with a spectacular variety of wildlife in which the Asiatic Lions are the ruling creature. At present, the total lion count in Gir is 411. The fastest of the Indian antelopes, the blackbuck, also lives in Gir, but has a relatively small population here compared to Velavadar National Park (near Bhavnagar), as it prefers open grasslands to forests. Wild Cats. Along with the famous lions, who number around 350, the park is also home to four other wild cats. The Gir National park has variety of gir animals which are found in Sasan Gir National Park. Sasan Gir is very good place for bird-watching. Sasan Gir holds a large number of lions with leopards, which makes one of the big-cat concentrations in India. Sambar and chital, nilgai, chousingha ,Indian gazelle and wild boar thrive in Gir. The largest draw of the park is the Asiatic lion. Most people think of Africa when they envision lion encounters, however, there are over 500 lions found within the boundaries of the national park. Lions are the highlight of a safari tour through Gir National Park; however, they are not the only exciting wildlife that visitors may encounter. But what makes Gir famous is its reserve of Asiatic lions. This is the only second place after Africa to have the Asiatic lions. Scientific name for Asiatic Lions is Panthera Leo and the Asiatic lions of Gir National Park are a little smaller when compared to the African ones.

which animal found in gir national park top

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Pangolin in India Gir forest national park Forest ...

Antarctica is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. ☃️ It’s the coldest location ever discovered, with an average temperature of -58ºF and an occasiona... VIDEO OF AMAZING WILD ANIMALS IN MUDUMALAI NATIONAL PARK...Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary & National Park is situated at the tri-junction of Tamil Nadu, Kerala... Daniel Gallardo mysteriously vanished into the woods of California in late 2015. He was never seen again, and his case remains an unsolved mystery to this da... Subscribe to watch more Nat Geo Wild (stylized as Nat Geo WILD or abbreviated as NGW) is a cable/satellite TV channel focused primarily on wildlife and natur... Gujarat gir national park is the home of indian loinIndian loin called also singh Gir national park situated in junagadh district gujaratThe area of this par... This video represents harmony between the lions and human settlements in the Gir Forest. This video was shot in the Gir Forest while on the way to Gir Nation... These massive felines, although slightly smaller than their african counterparts, are now restricted to small forested pockets of the Gir and Easter Gir National parks, in Gujarat state of India. Deadly Lion fight for territory as young male lions refuse to give up their kingdom and the Old Lion kings pay dearly for trying to claim land that does not ... Gir Forest National Park : 15 Unusual Animal FriendshipsSUBSCRIBE for more updates-News24 English Website-http://news24online.comNews24 Hindi Website-http://... Cutest animal in the world, Pangolin. Gir forestWORLD RARE PANGOLIN GIR FOREST GIR NATIONAL PARK GUJARAT MOST SMUGGLED ANIMAL GIR INDIA VIDEO IN...

which animal found in gir national park

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