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Johnny Bananas on the Bill Simmons Podcast 7/16/17 -transcript/summary of the interview

DISCLAIMER - it's hard to convey tone when I'm typing out what they say. There were a lot of tongue-in-cheek comments and jokes thrown around with both of them laughing while talking about these things so please don't take what is typed here in a literal sense. Not everything is word for word but I tried to keep it as accurate as possible when summarizing some of the things they talked about.
link: https://twitter.com/ringerpodcasts/status/1283937369586978816
Using B for Bill Simmons and J for Johnny Bananas
B: My next guest came on after he won his 6th title on the Challenge, we compared it to Michael Jordan who had also won 6 titles. Only he had something up his sleeve, a 7th title this week on the Challenge! They said it couldn’t happen, they said he was cursed after he backstabbed Sarah - not really, I defended you.. thought it was in the spirit of the game.
J: Agreed
B: You finally did it! People said you were too old… etc. you won!
J: I was one of those people, not saying I completely counted myself out. To say I had the faith it would happen for sure.. I didn’t. I thought at first curses didn’t exist and I was a victim of my own success which I think I said last time I was here
B: Yeah cause everyone’s gunning for you!
J: Yeah and that’s what I had to deal with, I figure I’ll keep throwing crap against the wall every season and something would stick but it never did - it almost got worst every season. After the last two seasons (WOTW1/2) getting eliminated early, I started to doubt more and wonder if curses were real. But it took this season, living in an underground bunker -
B: One of my least fav seasons, bunker was dark and depressing. Guess what’s fun, when you guys are in a nice house with a pool, there’s bars, etc, I don’t wanna see you guys in a bunker
J: Yeah you and I both my friend
B: The last few episodes it really kicked in - I don’t know if you know this but Cory has some kids back home? Did he mention that to you?
J: I had no idea!, first I’ve heard of it. Is that what Cory was playing for?
B: Apparently he was keeping it on the low but he was playing for his kid back home and the baby on the way
J: I would have never known (both laughing)
B: You were just playing for you
J: I was playing for you too - the motivation wasn’t the 7th win, 20th season, not being the top earner, it was coming back on this podcast because I know the only way I would come back is if I won again
B: Not true - I texted you this because I’ve been watching a lot of Challenge. It’s replaced real sports for me - I think I’ve watched 12 or 13 of the last 20 seasons. Amazon has this MTV hits package that gives you all the old episodes. It’s fun going back and watching because you vaguely remember stuff. It’s really fun to have on in the background
J: It’s not like Ridiculousness that MTV plays every waking moment of every single day. I’ve always said why not play - instead of 87 episodes of Ridiculousness a day, maybe play 80 and 7 episodes of the Challenge. I thought Pluto TV was the only place to watch it but its cool that Amazon has it.
B: That’s what sucked me in, Pluto but it had commercials and eventually I was like how do I not get commercials and that lead me to the Amazon thing. The reason I bring this up, they go all the way back to like ’06.
J: I have the DVD’s man you could have asked and I could have sent you the originals
B: Well there’s some early bananas in there including the Ruins which is arguably the greatest season, you have this, it’s just a chin? It’s like a chin thing and a soul patch but no mustache? What was going on?
J: laughing, oh gosh I don’t know man - listen, I am so glad, not just with the mistakes as far as the way I behaved, but the fashion faux pas that I was making back in the day with the fedora hat and the bandanna, that was back in the day when I thought it was cool to go to the gym and just throw on as many plates on bench as possible and eat cheeseburgers after cause all I cared about was what the scale said, and I saw myself on TV and I looked like a hippopotamus. Listen, I’m glad I made all of my mistakes before the advent of social media because lord knows I wouldn’t be sitting here if that was the case. But I agree ruins was a great season and very underrated
B: It was action packed, you weren’t the guy yet - as the years passed around ’13, ’14 when you won a few times is when people wanted to get you out. You became the guy at the poker table that everyone is just going all in on trying to get you the fuck out of the game
J: I became the patriots man, I became the team that got everyone’s best shot every week and that’s what most people don’t factor in. Rivals 3, I think it was, after Rivals 3 when I won my 6th title, I got the notoriety for my 6th win, but then the notoriety I got from betraying Sarah, I just think that put me into a whole new dimension where people did not want to see me win in the literal and figurative sense anymore
B: Sounds like the Pats! (Bill is from Boston and a die hard Patriots fan and this is an understatement lol)
J: Exactly, like they say, the higher up the ladder you get the bigger the target on your ass gets and that’s just made me public enemy #1 in the house. When we did War of the Worlds 1, I didn’t know 50% of the people but Wes had all of them convinced I needed to be gone and that’s what I’ve been dealing with the past few seasons. I still don’t think it was a curse, just getting everyone’s best shot every week - putting that difference aside and that rivalry bullshit aside with Wes this season went a long way to neutralize other enemies I might have had in the house. I could go back more to my old game and be a little more cunning and manipulative and I was able to sit back and strike when the time was right and not lash out at everyone because they were lashing out at me.
(Going to start just summarizing more from here on out.)
B says if they pick the 6’5” dude - Fessy, in the last challenge, you’re done since he can just walk up and touch the bell without thinking and Rogan did the volunteer thing which is lame when you know you’re getting voted in anyways
J: “It’s better to be lucky than to be good” I say this every season. Even with best strategy and allies you still need luck like Wes voting himself in this season. Race car challenge this season at the end. Final math equation was 9 parts and I wouldn’t be able to do it right now with a pen and paper but I got lucky. If I didn’t solve it before Cory or Kyle things could have been different. This was a fairy tale season that felt like it was meant to be.
B compares Cory to the Houston Texans - always in the playoffs but we know he won’t win a super bowl
J: I forgot what it was but he had something motivating him this season
B laughs
J: As much shit as people talk about Kyle for not being that intelligent and snaking around through challenges, he has no quit in him. I’ve seen him do things, come out of nowhere, carrying crates on his back. This is a funny story - Kyle is diabetic, first season he did was Vendettas we had to run up the Rock of Gibraltar. He thought if he told production he was diabetic and about the syringes they would kick him off. He ran up the Rock of Gibraltar with a syringe - it was capped - up his ass, he keister’d a syringe up the entire Rock of Gibraltar and beat half the guys. Stood up in the cave - in the Rock of Gibraltar for 8 hours and ran up the hill the rest of the way. This guy has a motor in him most people don’t give him credit for. Fessy - for his size, the stamina he has is incredible. Rogan - just won last season, every guy in the final were tough competitors.
B thought Fessy was a favorite but the final played to non of his strengths. Endurance, he doesn’t get to use his strength. He’s like a bigger CT
J: Yeah he’s got a very high ceiling and everyone was like “why didn’t you throw Fessy in hall brawl” - because he was coming back 100% and this is not someone I need coming after me in future seasons if I return.
B: My daughter asked me that and I told her Bananas is too smart, he knows that guy’s gonna win and he doesn’t want him to be mad at him. Like when Bill Russell was always friendly with Wilt Chamberlain, taking him out to dinners to make him like him.
J: Yeah, biggest mistake people make is not considering what you do now will impact the future one way or another. It would be great TV to see him there but he would just demolish Rogan.
B: If PTI (Pardon the Interruption on ESPN) covered this, the 2nd segment would be about how Fessy choked -
J: It’s the altitude. Fessy says the highest he’s been is like Florida which is sea level. I’ve spent a lot of time throughout my life in the mountains. Grew up skiing, snowboarding, dated a professional snowboarder so spent a lot of time in Tahoe… If you’ve never been at altitude and tried to breathe and go to the bathroom at 10,000 feet, it’s like your body doesn’t function. Why can’t I catch my breath. If you’ve been there you kinda know how to deal with it and not panic. But the guy his size, it’s the same reason that CT died in Battle of the Exes 2, on that glacier. You can be the longest distance runner at sea level but when you go up to altitude - that was the great equalizer. The bunker was our biggest competition. Everyone in the house vs the bunker -
B: It was the biggest competition for entertainment too, you guys were all miserable how is this fun. Everyone hates being there
J: exactly, how are we going to be entertaining when we are all depressed, they didn’t show most of it. We were breathing in artificial air being pumped in by some old machine from the Cold War era, all the light we had was artificial, had to walk 5 min to go to the port-a-potty because the plumbing was messed up in the bunker, when we go on the bus to go to challenges, all the windows are blacked out - the whole thing was like “let’s prevent them from getting vitamin D” all the bars we went to were underground at night so we were like vampires. We’d come out every once in a while in the daylight and it almost felt like your skin is going to burn off. The bunker was the biggest competition, the mountain and altitude was the great equalizer and the hardest part of the final. It wasn’t the longest final, I think this was 12 miles beginning to end. But 12 miles in knee deep snow at 10,000 ft is no joke.
B: Do you think your 7th title will finally make people forget that you thought the Australian language was Dutch, or is that still going on your gravestone?
J: I’ll never live that down. What’s funny is that one of my closest friends on the Challenge, her name is Sky and she Is from Australia and will never let me live it down. That and the backpack - the CT backpack, I know you are going to bring it up so I’ll just get it out of the way.
B: CT is the greatest elimination guy and he was at his peak, that was like being on an island with Randy Moss in 2007 - you’re getting torched. No way around it. And you had fat Tyler after you -
J laughs
B: CT had to drag him to the bell too but Tyler - all he was doing was eating for 2 weeks before that
J: He ran out of his meds so he said he was eating his emotions (both laugh)
J: Like I said earlier, that was luck of the draw - a coin flip. Going against CT first was determined by the flip of a coin. If the coin flipped the other way, he would have had to deal with Lunchbox first and then me after and who knows. Either way, I wouldn’t change anything in the past since I’m here today.
B: Even though the Australia Dutch thing was bad, it doesn’t match Brad spelling Throne as Thron without the E - that is the #1 oh my god Challenge trivia spelling moment
J: Laughs - TJ gave him both options. Cause Brad said “thrown like a baseball? Or a throne like a king sits on?” And TJ was like I’ll take either one. And he got them both wrong.
B: laughs - can we talk conspiracy theories
J: I love conspiracy theories
B: There’s one that you and Wes hatched this whole thing to be friends but Wes couldn’t stay the whole show so he was going to go in the elimination and go home, not true?
J: No, no. There’s a few conspiracies going around and one of those - that’s just Wes trying to somehow come to terms with the fact that and make an excuse for what is arguably the most boneheaded decision in the history of Challenge and especially in alliances. Wes and I had a stranglehold on that house. He was sitting prettier than I was. More people owed him favors and he was in a better position. He was like a dam holding back this force against me and I was holding a force against him but his was a lot bigger. Had he not sent himself into elimination against me, he would have had 2-3 more cracks at it. It would have been against Cory or Fessy in a run-across-a-barrel competition or untie a knot in a car against Josh competition. He would have won either one. Wes knew that when I nominated myself - which he knows I was going to - I told TJ that his mom had the most world cups - I told Wes before that this was my plan I don’t want to be here, if I’m going to be here I need a reason. I want to have a purpose/red skull. He ended up winning that day and I think he didn’t like the idea of me coming back into he house with a red skull while he didn’t have one yet. I think he made an ill-advised move. I think pride and ego got in the way and he was worried about what fans would think if he didn’t vote himself in against me. Alliance with Wes was out of necessity. We looked at each other and realized that we are making it easier for everyone else. They knew as long as both of us were in the game they were safe since we would be going at each other non stop. That’s what happened the last 2 seasons. WOTW 1&2 we paved the way for some people that did not deserve to be in the position they got to. After WOTW 2, we were in an SUV to the MTV movie awards. We both looked at each other and said “what are we doing” - for 2 guys that consider themselves as the brightest and most strategic players - this is just dumb to do season after season. Let’s do this out of necessity this season because if we don’t we’re just screwing ourselves. It worked better than I had ever thought it would.
B: I’ll never root for Wes so it didn’t work for me
J: Yeah me neither even his parents don’t root for him (both laughing)
B: Does Wes still have 30 companies and 40 cars like he said that year?
J: Oh he’s got more, he’s got like 70 companies I think. He’s got SwaggyC’s business - Wes is taking full credit for everything that Swaggy is doing as well and he’s got all of his cars. But somehow he’s still managed to find time to film this midlife crisis of a show he’s doing (both laughing)
B: Brits are cool but will we ever go back to the heyday of the Challenge, the Real World was the feeder system bringing in great competitors now they are doing Are you the one? I don’t even know these shows.
J: Until Real World comes back and recapture the magic of Real World and the dynamic characters - here’s my biggest problem I might get in trouble for saying this but the casting now - there’ s a reason why the vets - the OG’s - we’re cut from a different cloth. The CT’s, the Derricks, Kenny’s, Evan’s, Coral’s, Tina’s, etc. These characters were multi dimensional, all unique, most of them mentally off the reservation but back then, back in my season of Real World Key West, I was one of 200,000 applicants. Only the most dynamic, charismatic people got casted. Now it’s almost like - OK you’re hot and you like to get drunk and hookup, good. We don’t care about personality, if you wanna go on and be a complete train wreck, you’re cast. I think you’re seeing that.
B: There’s no actual characters
J: Yeah and the UK brings that - there is no-one on earth like Bear or Melissa or Jenny or Rogan or Georgia - you see these people and you’re like these people really exist? They are a whole different breed. Love or hate them they are some characters.
B: Answer seems to be to do another fresh meats season
J: Guess where fresh meat characters came from - people that didn’t make it to real world. Laurel, Kenny, Cara, all of them were at like the final round of casting at Real World. I think this new generation - I sound so old saying that - the youth nowadays there just isn’t a whole lot there.
B: You’re saying there’s no next generation Camila and Nany
J: You’re a long time fan, what characters do you see right now where you say this person has a very high ceiling? Not just when it comes to athletic abilities. To be a very well rounded Challenge competitor which there are very few - you have to be intelligent, haver a sense of humor, be able to win, and be able to strategize. There are lots of people who have one of these characteristics but not the other. It’s hard to find that competitor that covers all those bases.
B: You also had one-of-a-kinds like CT - there won’t be another CT.
J: God broke the mold after he made that guy.
B: Was it the free agents season? Camila was mad at somebody and Nany tries to break it up and they get mad at each other and have like an hour long thing going and the next day they are just like hey sorry about that wanna have breakfast? There’s nobody else like that
J: Deadly combination
B: I was always team Nany in those situations
J: Me too - Nany goes crazy because she’s emotional. Camila goes crazy because she’s unstable. She would flip a switch and go to a different dimension. Nany would get drunk and get emotional and stuff. When Camila does one of her things, it was like the gates of hell opening.
B: She committed the unforgivable sin which is why she hasn’t been back - she was mean to Leroy my favorite other than you.
J: You don’t do that for any reason - Leroy is a gem. He’s such a good soul, such a loyal - when you talk about someone and you say the phrase “real” - it gets thrown around too causally but Leroy is one of the realest people you will meet. Everyone comes on and talks about their history and why they are here and stuff and if there was anyone to have a sort of free pass to get a little wild sometimes it would be him.- but he is literally the most down to earth guy. I call him on a regular bases and he sees things in a simple and clear way that I can’t see a lot of times when I overthink.
B: Leroy is unlucky too the year he could have won, he was in the final with Nia and hurricane Nia was unleashed - they were the best team but she got kicked off
J: That was when Sarah threw me in - that’s what started the whole “I stole the money -“ that’s what people forget. Everyone remembers me stealing the money from Sarah but nobody remembers why I did it.
B: I remember - you guys were really close and she completely stabbed your back - but that opened the door for Leroy and Nia to be favorites but Nia self destructs - and then Jordan and Sarah end up winning even though I thought they weren’t the best team. This goes back to the luck stuff.
B: I’m watching some old challenges and see someone like Derrick - how much does he weight like 150-165
J: Yeah probably around 165 he’s a middleweight
B: I see him doing these pull the rope type challenges against these guys that are 235 and it takes them like 20 minutes to finally put him away - that dude was unlike anybody.
J: Derrick pound for pound - I will say this, a lot of people are like CT is the most dominant guy - pound for pound, in a physical elimination/competition, Derrick I think is the best most tenacious, most scrappy guy I’ve seen
B: He’s the guy you would have to kill to stop
J: You would need like a baseball bat to beat this guy down and this guy would still - the elimination with Joss that he came in as a mercenary - he had no skin in the game, he was leaving one way or another, it’s not like he’s been fighting to stay in the house, he was getting paid, and he was going against a guy that was trying to stay in the game. For 2 hours, Derrick got his ass beat, stepped on, Joss is a big dude - he just did not give up. Going back to cut throat, after I was eliminated - one of the best eliminations ever. I think it was called Riot Gear or something like that. Derrick was on my team but I was already gone, I think he was by himself - he took on Tyler, Brad, and Dunbar with a riot shield and almost walked out of that. They don’t make them like that anymore. He was cut from a different cloth.
Both reminisce about past seasons like Ruins where there were more crazy fights and about how Derricks losses were mostly flukes, CT eliminations and how he tried to replicate how he beat Darrell when he went against Jay this season which was ill advised.
Johnny talks about how one of CT’s biggest mistake in the Challenge (and that he’ll say this too) was in Gauntlet 3, sending Johnny in and keeping Big Easy who weight 160 lbs and he ended up dying in the final costing him his potential first final win.
Bill asks who is the best female of all time in your opinion?
J: Top 3 would be Laurel, Emily Schromm, and uhh.
B: Would you put Jenny in there? J:Jenny has a very high ceiling. But we’ve seen Laurel have the entire house against her, Jenny - I told her this I did a live with her last night - Jenny you’re going to experience the Bananas treatment where you show up to the house and every girl is going to be against you. She’s very sweet and nice, she doesn’t have that killer instinct like Laurel does - that intimidating terrifying nature about her. It’ll be interesting to see how she does when everyone is against her which is for sure going to happen
B: I have Emily up there too, pound for pound she’s up there - but Laurel had an edge to her that I don’t know Emily has
J: nobody has that - you want her peeing out of your tent, not into it for sure
Reminiscing about Emily winning with Paula who was Johnny’s Key West castmate
Slight teasers for next season - Johnny says he’s not sure what it is but the next season is in motion already. Don’t know what it’s about until they get there, can only guess.
Talks about ideas for future seasons - Battle of the Seasons was good.
Johnny gives credit to Bill about how he was the first person to call the Challenge the 5th major American sport -
J: before we even met, we connected on Twitter and you asked me to go to dinner if I was ever in LA and I told Derrick and he was like yeah he’s the dude that calls the Challenge the 5th major sport in America - you’ve been referring it that way forever now and it’s funny because this season, the fact that all sports are shut down, this was the first time that the Challenge got to step up and fill in the gap that some people had for sports. Every interview I did, US Weekly, E News, it was so funny, everyone is like “the Challenge is the 5th major American sport” and I’m like do you even know where that came from?
B: Soccer fans like to think that they are the 5th but no I don’t think so (laughing)
B: The producer for this podcast - he’s in his mid 20’s, he says he doesn’t watch the Challenge because he doesn’t have cable.
J: What??
B: Yeah they just.. don’t have cable they stream everything. The Challenge needs to get their seasons on Hulu or wherever so we can get the 25 and under - I don’t want it to be what happened to baseball where they were just like “screw young people, we’ll have our World Series games end at 12:30 at night” and those kids grow up and they don’t care about baseball - we have to protect the 25 and under.
J: Yeah that’s incredibly important. Funny thing that happened to the Challenge over the past few seasons - MTV like most networks were really honed in on the 18-24 demographic. As long as those numbers were good, that’s all that mattered. What’s unique about the Challenge, from any other show on MTV is the fanbase. The majority of the viewers of the Challenge are from like 34 to like 54. It’s because we’re the only show that has taken cast members re-cast season after season. Majority of my fans are people that are around my age that have been watching since my original season of the Real World. I think after a while MTV is just like we gotta embrace these fans because they are the most loyal - MTV has the most loyal fans. Rabid and they can be downright nasty at the same time but there are people that come from other shows - Big Brother, Love Island, the first season they do the Challenge, they are like I’ve never seen a fanbase this supportive and this rabid ever in my life.
B: best challenge season ever?
J: personally, favorite season beginning to end was Rivals 1 because it was the first challenge where we had to relocate. First overnight challenge. I will say this til the day I die - the hardest final in Challenge history. That final vicious. Elimination against Adam and CT was terrifying. And winning that final - it was the most difficult. Free agents is right up there too. And this season goes without saying, the internal and external pressure, my legacy, it was all on the line and I can’t say that I’ll make another final or I’ll win again - your guess is as good as mine. Just based on the level of competition and I’m not as spry as I used to be - it’s just getting harder. This one was special
B: last question - who are your 3 people if there was a challenge bff season?
J: Leroy 100%, Laurel- love her
B: Laurel? Because she’s good or because she’s your friend?
J: I love her - both - we have a very tight relationship. I think the 4th would have to be Nany
B: that’s a fun team!
J: not sure how we would perform in daily challenges but we would have a lot of fun
submitted by Tobias_Funke to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]

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submitted by LondonPokerNight to u/LondonPokerNight [link] [comments]

Heading Back Underground, Houston

Here we go again. Out of the light and back into the dark.

If you're like me, you've played in Houston for 15 years. You've played in private homes, apartment complexes, golf clubs, bars, and club houses. Maybe you were safe, maybe you weren't. You've played in houses and apartments that were rented for the sole purpose of hosting games. You've parked down the road, at a Church, in a public place, and been driven down the street to the game to keep cars off the street and maintain a low profile.

You've paid an unknown amount of rake, you've been "owed" at cash out, you've worried about your car in the parking lot, and then you've worried about walking to it. You know someone who knows someone who was robbed or raided.

Being able to play locally these last two years has been a gift. Not having to drive to Lake Charles and pay huge room rates while local clubs competed for members by lowering fees, providing amenities, and hosting great tournaments has been such welcomed relief. There is a market and businesses competed for their share and the individual won. If this sounds familiar to anyone... well, you get the point.

If you're like me, you're middle-aged. You have a real job, responsibilities, maybe a spouse and a family. The dream of "going pro" is long gone. The overhead is too high. Rolling up a stake and moving to Vegas? Nah, once a year at best. These clubs offered an escape. At the table I didn't have work stress. At the table I wasn't worried about this or that. At the table I could be who I wanted to be. If I made a little money? Great! Sign my daughter up for summer Dance Camp, my son up for some private swim lessons, have a nice Saturday out with the wife! The job paid the bills but poker helped make life fun.

It's confusing. There's widespread support in the community. The game is played regularly and used to raise money, publicly, for all sorts of charities. The law is clear. "A person commits offense if he, plays and bets for money or other thing of value at any game played with cards, dice, balls, or any other gambling device." Well, except when it isn't. "A bet does not include an offer of a prize, award, or compensation to the actual contestants in a bona fide contest for the determination of skill or endurance."

As we prepare to go underground once again understand this; poker won't go away. You'll always be able to find a game. Yet, the stakes are now higher. The blinds didn't go up but our risk has. I remember one of the best pieces of advice I was ever given about playing underground, "Don't break the law while you're breaking the law." Keep that in mind as the bright public lights fade.

Good luck to you all. Play well, run better, and now more than ever... be safe.
submitted by texjosh07 to poker [link] [comments]

[H] Crazy Dmitry's Reddit Famous Game Shop! [W] Games I don't have, Keys, Ref, ToDs

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PROFILE: http://steamcommunity.com/id/phrostb/
IGSREP 2: https://www.reddit.com/IGSRep/comments/3dzfvd/phrostbyts_igs_rep_page_2/
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FLAIR: we have a new flair system on IGS.. so please.. if you're going to add me for trades, just go ahead and post here what games you want.. so I can peramlink it later into my flair thread
and now for my have list, please keep in mind this is just a small sample of the games that i can get, if you have something else in mind ask me and i'll let you know if i can get it or not:
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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 23 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Close Combat - Panthers in the Fog Flockers Legions of Steel
btw thanks for all the help with the list ian <3
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[H] Crazy Dmitry's Reddit Famous Game Shop! [W] Games I don't have, Keys, Ref, ToDs

WANT: looking for games i don't already, you can check here: https://barter.vg447/
PROFILE: http://steamcommunity.com/id/phrostb/
IGSREP 2: https://www.reddit.com/IGSRep/comments/3dzfvd/phrostbyts_igs_rep_page_2/
PAYMENT: i basically will accept any form of payment.. but here's my preferences in order from most prefered to least prefered: CS:GO keys > TF2 keys > Tour of Duty tickets > (refined) metal > trading cards and other items, with trading cards and other items you'll have a pay a small exchange fee, since i generally don't like dealing with them. i'll also take paypal IF i already trust you. also i'll take any steam game i don't already have as up to 4 ref in credit
FLAIR: we have a new flair system on IGS.. so please.. if you're going to add me for trades, just go ahead and post here what games you want.. so I can peramlink it later into my flair thread
and now for my have list, please keep in mind this is just a small sample of the games that i can get, if you have something else in mind ask me and i'll let you know if i can get it or not:
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 123 Slaughter Me Street 16bit Trader 500 Years Act 1 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover 8BitBoy 9 Clues 2: The Ward A Boy and His Blob A Land Fit For Heroes A Wild Catgirl Appears! A-Men 2 A-Men A.I. Invasion A.I. Space Corps ABC Coloring Town AGON - The Lost Sword of Toledo AGON - The Mysterious Codex (Trilogy) ANGRY ARROWS ASDAD: All-Stars Dungeons and Diamonds Abducted Abduction Action! Plus About Love, Hate and the other ones Absconding Zatwor Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden Aces of the Luftwaffe Adam and Eve: The Game - Chapter 1 Advent Rising Advent Aeon Command Aerannis Aero's Quest After The End: The Harvest Agapan Age of Steel: Recharge Agricultural Simulator 2012 : Deluxe Edition Akane the Kunoichi Alice's Mom's Rescue Alice's Patchwork Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded Alien Shooter All My Gods Alpha Prime Alpha Runner Alter World Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy Amigdala Among the Heavens Ampersand Amygdala Ancients of Fasaria: Chess Club Angels of Fasaria: Version 2.0 Angvik Anoxemia Ant War: Domination AoF World Online Arcane Sorcery Arclight Cascade Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 7 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 99 Spirits: Special Edition A Sirius Game ADVERTCITY ANGELS THAT KILL Absconding + Break Into Zatwor Age of Castles: Warlords Alien Breed: Impact Alpha Zylon Anna's Quest Archon Classic Asphyxia Attrition: Nuclear Domination Axis Football 2015 BUILD 'N BUMP Back To Life Bad Bots Baseball Mogul 2015 Battle vs Chess Bedlam Boneless Zombie Bowl Bound College Football Bunker - The Underground Game CAFE 0 The Drowned Mermaid Deluxe COLOR CHAOS COSMIC DUST & RUST Calibre 10 Racing Catching Up Cave Coaster Caveman Craig Cities in Motion 2 Collection Citizens of Earth City Z Costume Quest 2 Cultures - 8th Wonder of the World DEVOURED TIME DOORWAYS - Chapter 1 & 2 Dark Lore Mysteries: The Hunt For Truth Dark Lore Mysteries: The Hunt For Trutht Data Hacker - Initiation Dead Pixels Deadly Profits Death Ray Manta Demonlisher Desert Gunner Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive Doorways: Chapter 3 - The Underworld Draft Day Sports Pro Basketball 4 Dreamscapes - Nightmare's Heir - Premium Edition Dreamscapes - The Sandman - Premium Edition Dropsy Duet Eador: Genesis Elements: Soul of Fire Final Exam Floors of Discomfort Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood Full Bore Future Farmer GRID Autosport Drag Pack GTGD S2: Just One Dev Galactic Hitman Gillespie God Game : The Odyssey Gods Will Be Watching Gorky 17 Gravilon Greyfox RPG Guardians of Graxia + Map Pack Gift Gunslugs Gyromancer Hard Truck Apocalypse: Arcade / Ex Machina: Arcade Hippocampal: The White Sofa International Snooker Ionball 2: Ionstorm KINGS OF ISRAEL Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan LITTLE BIG ADVENTURE 2 Logistics Company Loot Hunter Luna Sky Luxor: 5th Passage MARBLE DUEL Mad Snowboarding Marble Mayhem: Fragile Ball Martial Arts: Capoeira Medieval Mercs Men of War: Assault Squad - GOTY Men of War: Assault Squad Molly Monster Challenge Circus MotorSport Revolution Mutant Mudds Deluxe NINJA OUTBREAK NO THING Nexuiz Nighttime Terror VR: Dessert Defender Northmark: Hour of the Wolf OASE - Other Age Second Encounter Omega Jam One Way Heroics Our Nation's Miner Out of the Park Baseball 15 Outland - Special Edition Overture Past Your Eyes Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 Poker Night 2 Pray For Diamonds Pumped BMX + RONIN Roadside Assistance Simulator Rocko's Quest Run For Rum SAFETY DRIVING SIMULATOR: CAR SODACITY SPIRITS OF XANADU STAR-BOX: RPG Adventures in Space Schrödinger’s Cat And The Raiders Of The Lost Quark Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown Shattered Planet Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe VR Spoiler Alert Collector's Edition Stalingrad Star Saviors Star Sky 2 Star Wars: Dark Forces Stardust Vanguards Stay Dead Evolution Steam Marines Sun Blast: Star Fighter Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe Supercharged Robot VULKAISER TOILET TYCOON Tales of the Orient: The Rising Sun The Borrower The Curse of Nordic Cove The Entente Gold The Flock The Forest of Doom The Forgotten Forest The GooBundle The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight The Logomancer The Sun and Moon Them - The Summoning Unholy Heights VECTOR STRAIN VEKTOR WARS Voxelized Warfare Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Where is my Heart? Will Fight for Food: Super Actual Sellout: Game of the Hour Worms Blast Yesterday
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 8 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven ADVENTURE LIB SOUNDTRACK ADVENTURE LIB Airport Firefighters - The Simulation Anodyne Big Journey to Home Blitzkrieg Anthology 2 Challenge of the Five Realms: Spellbound in the World of Nhagardia Contagion Crazy Machines: Golden Gears Crowntakers D/Generation HD DROD RPG: TENDRY'S TALE - DELUXE EDITION Devil Sealing Stone Déjà Vu II: MacVenture Series Event Horizon Expander F-19 Stealth Fighter Fitz the Fox Gateways Grid 2 Spa- Francorchamps Track Pack Hard Truck Apocalypse: Rise Of Clans / Ex Machina: Meridian 113 Heroes of Annihilated Empires Hyperspace Pack Insane Jurassic Park: The Game KUMOON : BALLISTIC PHYSICS PUZZLE Luxor HD Mahjong Destiny Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons Gold Monster Loves You! PUZZLES AT MYSTERY MANOR Paperbound Pepe Porcupine Quarries of Scred ROLLING SUN ROYAL QUEST - ROYAL GUARD PACK SHUTSHIMI STARION TACTICS SUMICO - THE NUMBERS GAME SUPER MEGA NEO PUG Secret of the Magic Crystals Complete Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Mummy's Curse Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Mystified Murderess Starpoint Gemini Starship Traveller Sudeki Supreme League of Patriots: Issue 3 - Ice Cold in Ellis Tank Brawl The Blue Flamingo The Last Warlock The Shivah TinyKeep Twisted Lands Trilogy: Collector's Edition Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign Wings! Remastered Edition Yelaxot
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 9 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Ballad of Solar Down To One Pneuma: Breath of Life The Promised Land The Treasures of Montezuma 4
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 10 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 300 Dwarves A-GENTS BADLAND: Game of the Year Edition Blackguards COAST GUARD Chariot Consortium Divide By Sheep FRONTIER Firefighters 2014 Fleeting Ages Frozen Synapse Godus Hard Truck Apocalypse / Ex Machina KING OF DRAGON PASS LINK Lucius II Nightclub Emporium PINBALL THRILLS TRIPLE PACK ROCK N ROLL DEFENSE Rainbow Hero Revolver 360 Re:Actor Runers Shadowrun Returns Sledgehammer / Gear Grinder Solarix The Apogee Throwback Pack The Princess' Heart The Prism
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 11 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ALIEN RUN Blackguards 2 Deep Under The Sky Demonicon Drip Drip Dustforce DX Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Imperium Romanum Gold Edition Just Cause Knee Deep LOVELY WEATHER WE'RE HAVING Malebolgia Mirror Mysteries 2 MirrorMoon EP Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas Red Risk Resonance ZOOM PLAYER
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 12 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Unlimited Escape 2 Unlimited Escape Zoombinis
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 13 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Aggression: Europe Under Fire Bionic Commando Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage Deus Ex: Invisible War Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction GEMINI: HEROES REBORN NV German GEMINI: HEROES REBORN GRAV Lethal League Lilly and Sasha Curse of the Immortals Mushroom 11 Sportsfriends Vector Thrust
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 14 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat Battletank LOBA Deus Ex: The Fall Excalibur Sim Bundle Foreign Legion Bundle Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition (NA+ROW) LUFTRAUSERS Lichdom: Battlemage NOT A HERO PAYDAY 2: The Diamond Heist Race.a.bit Xeodrifter Special Edition
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 16 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ A City Sleeps Dead Island Riptide Complete (NA+ROW) DiscStorm Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! Kromaia Medieval II Total War MouseCraft Planetary Annihilation Star Wars Starfighter Tango Fiesta Team Fortress 2 Badges: Xephos' Philanthropic Physiognomy + Honeydew's Charitable Countenance The Weaponographist
btw thanks for all the help with the list ian <3
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[H] Crazy Dmitry's Reddit Famous Game Shop! [W] Games I don't have, Keys, Ref, ToDs

WANT: looking for games i don't already, you can check here: https://barter.vg447/
PROFILE: http://steamcommunity.com/id/phrostb/
IGSREP 2: https://www.reddit.com/IGSRep/comments/3dzfvd/phrostbyts_igs_rep_page_2/
PAYMENT: i basically will accept any form of payment.. but here's my preferences in order from most prefered to least prefered: CS:GO keys > TF2 keys > Tour of Duty tickets > (refined) metal > trading cards and other items, with trading cards and other items you'll have a pay a small exchange fee, since i generally don't like dealing with them. i'll also take paypal IF i already trust you. also i'll take any steam game i don't already have as up to 4 ref in credit
FLAIR: we have a new flair system on IGS.. so please.. if you're going to add me for trades, just go ahead and post here what games you want.. so I can peramlink it later into my flair thread
and now for my have list, please keep in mind this is just a small sample of the games that i can get, if you have something else in mind ask me and i'll let you know if i can get it or not:
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 123 Slaughter Me Street 16bit Trader 500 Years Act 1 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover 8BitBoy 9 Clues 2: The Ward A Boy and His Blob A Land Fit For Heroes A Wild Catgirl Appears! A-Men 2 A-Men A.I. Invasion A.I. Space Corps ABC Coloring Town AGON - The Lost Sword of Toledo AGON - The Mysterious Codex (Trilogy) ANGRY ARROWS ASDAD: All-Stars Dungeons and Diamonds Abducted Abduction Action! Plus About Love, Hate and the other ones Absconding Zatwor Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden Aces of the Luftwaffe Adam and Eve: The Game - Chapter 1 Advent Rising Advent Aeon Command Aerannis Aero's Quest After The End: The Harvest Agapan Age of Steel: Recharge Agricultural Simulator 2012 : Deluxe Edition Akane the Kunoichi Alice's Mom's Rescue Alice's Patchwork Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded Alien Shooter All My Gods Alpha Prime Alpha Runner Alter World Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy Amigdala Among the Heavens Ampersand Amygdala Ancients of Fasaria: Chess Club Angels of Fasaria: Version 2.0 Angvik Anoxemia Ant War: Domination AoF Chess Club 2.0 AoF World Online Arcane Sorcery Arclight Cascade Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Arkhelom 3D Armed with Wings: Rearmed Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim Asteroid Bounty Hunter Atlantis 2: Beyond Atlantis Atonement: Scourge of Time Avalanche 2: Super Avalanche Avencast: Rise of the Mage Back To Bed Bacteria Collector's Edition Content Bacteria Soundtrack (DLC) Bacteria Ballpoint Universe - Infinite BanHammer Base Squad 49 Battle For The Sun Battle Forever Battleplan: American Civil War Beast Blaster Bermuda Bernie Needs Love Bet On Soldier Big Action Mega Fight! Bin Weevils Arty Arcade Biology Battle Black Sails - The Ghost Ship Black Viper: Sophia's Fate BlackShadows Blade Symphony Blake Stone: Planet Strike Blaster Shooter GunGuy! BloodNet BloodRayne 2 BloodRayne Bloodbath Kavkaz - Khovan Revenge Bloodbath Kavkaz - Soundtrack Bloodbath Kavkaz Bloody Streets Bloop Reloaded Blowy Fish BoneBone Break Into Zatwor Breakout Invaders Bridge Constructor Medieval Bridge Constructor Brilliant Bob Broadside Broadsword: Age Of Chivalry Bullet Life 2010 Butsbal C.R.E.E.P.S CAT Interstellar CORROSION: COLD WINTER WAITING - ENHANCED CT Special Forces: Fire for Effect Call Of The Mighty Warriors Call of Tomsk-7 Cally's Caves 3 Car Washer: Summer of the Ninja Carp Fishing Simulator Case #8 Catorize ChargeShot Chernobyl Commando Chip Chronicles of the Witches and Warlocks Circuits Clandestinity of Elsie Clergy Splode Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink Coffin Dodgers Cold Dreams Contract With The Devil Cook, Serve, Delicious! Cosmic Rocket Defender CosmoLands | Space-Adventure Crash Time 2 Crazy Plant Shop Crow Crowman & Wolfboy Crystal Catacombs Crystal Caves Cube Land Arena Cubicle Quest Curse: The Eye of Isis Curvatron Cute Things Dying Violently Cyber City 2157: The Visual Novel DAMAGE CONTROL DEUS EX MACHINA 2 DREAMFLIGHT VR Daedalus - No Escape Dale Hardshovel HD Dangerous Dark Arcana: The Carnival Dark Heritage: Guardians of Hope Dark Matter Dark Quest Darklands Darkstone Data Hacker: Corruption Data Hacker: Reboot Dead6hot Deadlands Noir - That Old Time Religion Deadlings: Rotten Edition Deadlock II: Shrine Wars Dear RED - Extended Death Goat Death Ray Manta SE Death Tractor Decay: The Mare Defend Your Life Demented Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond Demons with Shotguns Desert Ashes Desert Thunder Devils & Demons Dino D-Day Disillusions Manga Horror Doomed'n Damned Door To Door Dr. Daisy Pet Vet Dracula 4 and 5 Special Dragon's Wake Dragonsphere Dreaming Sarah Dungeon Crawlers HD Dungeon Hero DvDrum, Ultimate Drum Simulator! Dwarfs!? Dyscourse EDGE EVERTOWN Eaten Alive Egyptian Senet Elizabeth Find M.D. - Diagnosis Mystery - Season 2 Ember Kaboom Empires Of Creation Endorlight Energy Balance Energy Cycle Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek Envoy 2 Envoy Era of Majesty Eradicator Eron Escape Machines Escape from Puzzlegate Eternity's Child Ethan: Meteor Hunter Expert Rifleman - Reloaded FLASHOUT 2 Face Noir Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk Falcon Fancy Skulls Fasaria World Online Fenix Rage Fermi's Path Ferrum's Secrets: Where Is Grandpa? Fiends of Imprisonment Fire & Forget - The Final Assault Fireflies Fish Fillets 2 Flesh Eaters Flix The Flea Forest Warrior Forgotten, Not Lost - A Kinetic Novel Fort Defense Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness Frederic : Resurrection of Music Frederic: Evil Strikes Back Freebie Frizzy GON E CHOO Galacide Galactic Conquerors Garfield Kart Gem Wars: Attack of the Jiblets Gems of the Aztecs Get Rich or Die Gaming Ghost Encounters: Deadwood - Collector's Edition Gimbal Girls Like Robots Glass Wing Global Ops: Commando Libya Gnomes Garden Gnumz: Masters of Defense Go Go Nippon! - My First Trip to Japan Go To Bed: Survive The Night Gods vs Humans Gold Rush! Anniversary Gold Rush! Classic GooCubelets 2 GooCubelets: The Algoorithm GooCubelets Goodnight Butcher Grail to the Thief Grapple Grave Prosperity: Redux- part 1 Grey Cubes Grid Masters Gridberd Guardians of Victoria Gun Done Gun Rocket GunWorld GundeadliGne Gundemonium Recollection Gunman Clive 2 Gunship! Gynophobia HUSH Hack RUN Hack, Slash, Loot Hard Room Hatch and Slay Haywire on Fuel Station Zeta Head Shot Heaven Island - VR MMO Hektor Hero of Many + OST Hero of the Kingdom II Heroes & Legends: Conquerors of Kolhar Hidden Mysteries: Civil War Hills Of Glory 3D Hitogata Happa Home Design 3D Hook Hordelicious Hostile Dimension Hot Pinball Thrills Hunting Unlimited 2010 HyperRogue Hypership Out of Control Hyperspace Pinball Hyposphere Hypt Hyspherical 2 Idol Hands Imperial Glory Impulse! In Between Incoming Forces Industry Giant 2 Initia: Elemental Arena Intergalactic Bubbles Into the Void Invasion Island Defense It came from space, and ate our brains Jack Keane Jackal Job The Leprechaun Joe's Diner Johnny Graves - The Unchosen One Journey To The Center Of The Earth Keebles Knights and Merchants Knights of the Sky Krautscape Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise Labyrinth Simulator Ladra Lamia's Game Room Last Days of Spring Visual Novel Left in the Dark: No One on Board Legena: Union Tides Legends of Persia Leona's Tricky Adventures Let There Be Life Lethal RPG: War Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Lift It Lilly and Sasha: Guardian Angels Little Walker Liveza: Death of the Earth Locked-in syndrome Lonath Online Loot Hero DX Lost Civilization Lost Moon Lost in Paradise Lumber Island - That Special Place Lup MANOS: The Hands of Fate-Director's Cut Macabre Machine Gun Train Run Magdalena Magic Quest Mahjong Destiny Man Alive Masterspace Match 3 Revolution Math Rescue Merchants of Kaidan Meridian: New World Metrocide Micron Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi Midnight Mysteries Midnight Outlaw: 6 Hours to SunUp Milford Heaven - Luken's Chronicles Millie Mind Snares: Alice's Journey Miner Mayhem Mines of Mars Mini Golf Mundo MiniDrivers Miracle Fly Monster Jam Battlegrounds Monument Builders - Alcatraz Monumental Moonlight Minions Moorhuhn Invasion (Crazy Chicken Invasion) Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock Morphine Mountain Moustache Mountain Mr. Bree+ Muffin Knight Musaic Box Musclecar Online Mysterious Space Mystic Towers NORTH Nam Naninights National Zombie Park Navpoint Neon Space ULTRA Networm New kind of adventure Nightfall: Escape Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren`s Call Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals Ninja Stealth No Turning Back: The Pixel Art Action Adventure Roguelike Nomad Not without my donuts Nova-111 ONE DAY for Ched OTTTD Odysseus: Long Way Home Office Battle Oknytt Olympia Rising One Final Breath - Episode One One way to exit Oniken Ookibloks Oozi: Earth Adventure Orbit HD Orborun Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion Organ Biker Our Love Will Grow Owys POPixel PUZZLES UNDER THE HILL Paganitzu Paper Monsters Recut Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition Particulars Party Saboteurs Penguins Arena: Sedna's World Pepe Porcupine Pertinence Phoenix Force Physic Monster Piggy Princess Pillar Pilot Crusader Pineview Drive Pirates vs Corsairs: Davy Jones's Gold Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds Pixel Star PixelJunk Eden Planet R-12 Pocket God vs Desert Ashes Pongo Porradaria Upgrade Portal of Evil: Stolen Runes - Collector's Edition Postal Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut) Potatoman Seeks the Troof Praetorians Predator Simulator Prehistorik Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again Soundtrack Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again Prismatica Procyon Project Pulsation Project Root Proto Raider Protocol Protoshift OST Protoshift PulseCharge Purgatory: War of the Damned Putrefaction Puzzle Agent Puzzle Ball Puzzle Galaxies Q.U.B.E. Director’s Cut Quantum Conscience Quantum Flux Quantum Rush Champions Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness Quell Memento Quell Reflect Quell Quest for Infamy Quest of Dungeons QuestEvent QuestRun Quick Slick Deadly R.O.O.T.S RIP - Trilogy RUN RABBIT RUN RUSH Radial Impact Radium Railcargo Simulator Raining Blobs Raptor: Call of the Shadows (1994 Classic Edition) Ravensword: Shadowlands RePete Realm of Perpetual Guilds Realms of Arkania 1 - Blade of Destiny Classic Realms of Arkania 2 - Star Trail Classic Realms of Arkania 3 - Shadows over Riva Classic Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny Red Johnson's Chronicles: 1 & 2 Redemption: Eternal Quest Redline Redux: Dark Matters Reflections Relativity Wars - A Science Space RTS Remnants of a Beautiful Day Reverse Crawl Reversi Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender Rex Rocket Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches Riddled Corpses Ride! Carnival Tycoon Ringies Rise of the Ancients Rise of the Triad: Dark War Risky Rescue RoBoRumble Road Madness Road Works Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood Robot Exploration Squad Robot vs Birds Zombies Rogue Port - Red Nightmare Rooftop Cop Rooms: The Main Building Rubber and Lead Rumble Run Run And Die Rune Classic Ruzh Delta Z SAFETY DRIVING SIMULATOR: CAR SAMOLIOTIK SHOFER Race Driver SHOWTIME 2073 STARLORD STEEL RIVALS Salammbo: Battle for Carthage Save the Furries Scapeland Scarab Tales Schein School Bus Fun Scott In Space Scourge: Outbreak Ambrosia Bundle Scribble Space Secret Agent Secrets of Deep Earth Shrine See No Evil Sentinel 4: Dark Star Serafina's Crown Settled Seven Kingdoms 2 HD Shadowgate: MacVenture Series Shadows on the Vatican Act I: Greed Shakedown Racing One Shan Gui Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Case of the Mummy's Curse Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Case of the Mystified Murderess Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Tin Soldier ShipLord Shmadow Shmup Love Boom Shooting Stars! Shot In The Dark Shut Up And Dig Sid Meier's Colonization (Classic) Sid Meier's Covert Action (Classic) Sideway New York Silent Service SilverQuest: Gaiden SimpleRockets Sirius Online Six Sides of the World Sky To Fly: Faster Than Wind Skyflower Slave Zero Slinki Slipstream 5000 Smugglers 5: Invasion Smugglers 5 Solar Flux Solitaire Christmas Match 2 Cards Soul of the Devil Space Drifters 2D Space Hack Space Moth DX Space Pilgrim Episode II: Epsilon Indi Space Pilgrim Episode III: Delta Pavonis Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol Space Pilgrim Episode One: Alpha Centauri Space Robot Samurai Zombie Slayer Space Trader: Merchant Marine Spaceport Hope Spakoyno: Back To USSR 2.0 - OST Spakoyno: Back to the USSR 2.0 Spandex Force: Champion Rising Sparkle 2 Evo Sparkle 3 Genesis Spells 'n' Stuff Spheroid Spirit Of War Spoiler Alert Collector's Edition - Includes Bonus Content Spy Bugs Square's Route Squarelands Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant Stardust Vanguards Statues Stellar 2D Stones of Sorrow StoryMode - A Game About Crafting Stranded In Time Stray Cat Crossing Strayed Street Racing Syndicate Subject 13 Sumo Revise Super Cyborg Super Hipster Lumberjack Super Mega Bob Super Space Meltdown Super Ubie Island REMIX Supreme League of Patriots Surfingers Survive Me Miolhr Survive in Space Switch Galaxy Ultra Charity Pack 1 Sword 'N' Board Sword of Asumi - Deluxe Edition THE BIG ELK THE LAST NIGHTMARY THE LOST ISLAND Talisman: Prologue Tank Universal Tap Heroes Tea Party Simulator 2015 Ted by Dawn Teddy Floppy Ear - Kayaking Teddy Floppy Ear - Mountain Adventure Teddy Floppy Ear - The Race Teddy Terror Tennis in the Face Terminal Velocity Terra Incognita - Chapter One: The Descendant The 7th Guest The Adventures of Mr. Bobley The Adventures of Shuggy The Archetype The Ball The Bizarre Creations of Keith the Magnificent The Bluecoats: North vs South The Bug Butcher The Charnel House Trilogy The Deed The Deer God The Deer The Dwarf Run The Egyptian Prophecy: The Fate of Ramses The Extinction The Few The Glow The Inner World The Juicer The Lady The Land Of Lamia The Last Door - Collector's Edition The Last Photon The Lost Souls The Oil Blue: The Orb Chambers The Pit And The Pendulum The Rollingball's Melody The Tape The Tower Of Elements There Came an Echo There Was A Caveman They Breathe They Came From The Moon This Book Is A Dungeon Three Digits Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition Tic-Toc-Tower Tiki Man Timberman Time Mysteries 2: The Ancient Spectres Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma Time Mysteries: Inheritance - Remastered Tinboy Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers Titan Tobe's Vertical Adventure Toki Tori Tokyo Hosto Tompi Jones Top Hat Toro TownCraft Trace Vector Tracks and Turrets Trap Them - Sniper Edition Trash TV Treeker: The Lost Glasses Trigger Runners Tulpa Two Digits Tycoon City: New York UFO Afterlight Undead Shadows Undead vs Plants Under Zero Unheard Screams - King Leopold II's Rule Over The Congo Uninvited: MacVenture Series Unium Urizen Shadows of the Cold VERGE:Lost chapter Vampire of the Sands Vanguard Princess Hilda Rize Pack Vapour Vertical Drop Heroes HD Vintage Year Violett Remastered Void Invaders VolChaos Vox Populi Vox Dei 2 WARMACHINE Tactics - Mercenaries Faction Bundle WYRMSUN: BRISING FACTION FLAIR PACK WYRMSUN: FRANKISH FACTION FLAIR PACK Wanderlust: Rebirth War in a Box: Paper Tanks Warhammer: Arcane Magic Warriors & Castles Wave Mechanics Way of Gold and Steel Way to Go! We Are Legion - Key 1 We Are Legion - Key 2 Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space What's under your blanket !? White Mirror Why So Evil 2: Dystopia Why So Evil Wild Frontera Witches, Heroes and Magic Wooden Floor 2 - Resurrection Wooden Floor Woof Blaster Word Rescue World War I Yasai Ninja You Are Not A Banana Your Quest Yumsters 2: Around the World ZANZARAH: THE HIDDEN PORTAL Zeno Clash Zombie Shooter 2 Zombie Shooter Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge Zombie Zoeds bit Dungeon II dUpLicity Beyond the Lies gShift
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 3 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ANKI ASTROKILL Adventures of Pip Ampu-Tea Antiflux Arcadecraft Beach Bounce Betrayer Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold Bloodsports.TV Burnstar Candy Blast Chef Solitaire: USA Chime Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller - Season One + OST Vol 1 Corpse of Discovery Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure Cosmophony Cruel Arena Cuties Dashy Square Demon Hearts Dinocide Edge of Space Fairyland: Incursion Find Out Finding Teddy FranknJohn GUNNHEIM Galagan's Island: Reprymian Rising Goosebumps: The Game Hocus Pocus Human Extinction Simulator Inbetween Land Incitement 3 Ironclad Tactics JULAI KRUM - Edge Of Darkness Kick Ass Commandos King's Bounty: Dark Side LUDO SUPREMO Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West Lost World Zero Luxor Mahjong MAHJONG DELUXE 3 MILITARY LIFE: TANK SIMULATOR Major Mayhem Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition Midnight Mysteries 2: Salem Witch Trials Moebius: Empire Rising Moonstone Tavern - A Fantasy Tavern Sim! Munin My Bones NaissanceE Night Shift NotGTAV Of Carrots And Blood Orbital Gear Orion: A Sci-Fi Visual Novel OutDrive Pajama Sam's Sock Works Pay2Win: The Tricks Exposed Pickers Project Graviton Puzzle Agent 2 Reach for the Sun SNOWFLAKE TATTOO Shadow Warrior (Classic) Shadowgate (2014) Sky Mercenaries Sleep Attack Spectre Steam Heroes Story Of the Survivor Super Intergalactic Gang Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass TRANSPORT GIANT Take On Helicopters Teslagrad The Adventures of Tree The Asskickers-Steam Edition The Mysterious Cities of Gold The Old City: Leviathan The Race for the White House The Whispered World Special Edition True Bliss VIOLET: Space Mission VOODOO CHRONICLES: THE FIRST SIGN HD Waste Walkers Winter Voices (COMPLETED PACK) Wobbly Jungle Wyv and Keep: The Temple of the Lost Idol Zamarian Zero Reflex : Black Eye Edition
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 4 ref $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 12 Labours Of Hercules 140 1953 KGB Unleashed 1Quest 24 Hours 'til Rescue 24 Hours til Rescue ABO MANDO ADVERTCITY AI: Rampage ALIEN RUN AR-K AWAKE Aaru's Awakening Abandoned Knight Abrix the robot Absence Abyss Odyssey Acceleration of SUGURI X Edition HD Adorables Adventures of Bertram Fiddle: Episode 1: A Dreadly B Age of Enigma: The Secret of the Sixth Ghost Age of Survival Air Guardians Akin Alpha Kimori 1 Always The Same Blue Sky... An Imp? A Fiend! Anode Aozora Meikyuu Armada 2526 Gold Edition Astral Breakers Astro Emporia BLITZ BREAKER BOMB THE MONSTERS! BOXLIFE BRAWL Beater Spirit Belladonna Bionic Commando: Rearmed BitRay Blackguards: Untold Legends (DLC) Blades of the Righteous Blockwick 2 Bob Was Hungry Broken Dreams Bunny Must Die! 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btw thanks for all the help with the list ian <3
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